Chapter 19

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Wrapped in blankets, she sat on couch in the balcony with a cup of coffee in hand. She tucks a hair strand behind her ears as the wind breeze hits her.

Siping her coffee she enjoyed sitting there alone, she kept the cup down when she heard her phone ringing.

She starts searching for her phone as she couldn't find it, the ring stops making her sigh but it starts ringing again. She shifted side and found the phone.

She got hold of the phone and looking at the caller id, everything stops. Time froze as she stare the phone screen blankly.

She felt her eyes blurring seeing the caller id,  tears starts glinting into her eyes as she starts the screen.

Taking a deep breath and composing herself and answers the call.  She stayed silent till she heard his husky and soft voice.

Neil : hello Avni! Are you there?

She pressed her lips together controlling her tears.

Neil : Avni, I know you are there! Please say something, I know you are angry with me. Please speak up.

His pleading melted her heart but how can she forget those day when she waited for his call but he never called her.

Her heart wanted to have a conversation with him but her mind was saying no. She was so confused but nevertheless avoiding her mind she composed herself and spoke in soft voice.

Avni : hello!

She clutched the phone tighter.

Neil felt peace and content as he heard smoothing and soft voice, her voice echoed into his body system relieving his worry.

Neil : I craved to hear your voice. How are you?

Avni : if you craved so much then why didn't you call in those months you left back to mission?

He knew she was taunting him, she wasn't blamed but it's his fault not calling her when he knows she would have been waiting for his calls.

Neil sighs.

Neil : I know, it's my mistake! I can't change the past . I am really sorry not calling you in this period of month. Where are you? I heard you are in Mumbai? Is that true?

Avni : oh god! I didn't Knew you kept some bodyguards of yours behind me to watch. Neil why do you care so much where i am?

Neil : I do care because.

He stops blurting his feelings out that soon. And he doesn't to confess over the phone. He bits his lips and shook his head looking there.

Avni : what did you say? Complete your sentence Neil khanna?

Neil chuckles the way she addressed him in anger.

Neil : I like it! I like it when you are angry with me.

Avni : I really wanna murder. How are dare you? First of all you don't call, then when you call you won't stop pulling my leg. Why I had to meet you?

She was frustrated the way he was pulling her leg instead caring about her feelings.  She didn't want to try over the call but he was making her cry.

Neil : hey, I'm sorry. It's okay you don't hide your  tears from me. You met me because you fall for me. Remember what you said. Okay this topic aside. When are you coming to navy? I heard you will be going back soon.

Avni : yes I will be going back. I really miss you Neil.

She finally confessed missing him, the distance between them wasn't helping either.

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