Chapter 57

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He blinks his eyes as he stares his wife who was asleep snugging to his chest. He tightens the grip around her waist and raising his hand up removes the hairs that were falling on he faces.

He caressed her face gently and softly and moves closer to her. He pecks her forehead.

His eyes fell on the time and didn't realise an hour passed till he was awoken up. He sighs and untangling his arms around her chest and kissing her cheek for last time gets down the bed and slipping slippers on walks to washroom to fresh up.

He comes out of washroom dressed in a workout attire and glancing towards the bed where his beautiful slept hugging the pillow.

He chuckles and grabbing his phone the side exit the room quietly not wanting to wake her up.

He jogged down the stairs and moves to backyard hoping to workout while his wife is sleeping. He took his phone out and puts on music and placing in his pocket, he began his workout.

Wiping sweat over his forehead he walks inside the house and found swetha going towards kitchen.

He calls her out.

Neil : mom.

Swetha stops and looks at him whose body was covered in sweat.

Swetha : good morning Neil. When did you wake up?

Neil : morning mom. I woke up an hour ago. Can you please prepare my juice?

Swetha : i will make it! You go and shower. Your body is sweating.

Neil rolls his eyes and kissing her cheek rushed to his room.

Pushing the door, he enters inside and found his wife still asleep. He shook his had smilingly and starts walking towards bed. 

He sat on the bed and brought his hand up caressing her face gently.

He removes the pillow out of her hold and placed it on side. He bends down kissing her cheek lovingly.

Neil : love.. wake up.

He softly whispers her name as he nuzzled his face into her neck. She stirs in sleep as she silently opens her eyes wrapping her arms around hie neck and pulling him closer.

Their lips touched, breath fanned. He gazed down her lips before he smashed his lips on hers taking into a soft kiss. Their hands itself made their way to their hairs and pulling out as they kissed each other with a passion.

Neil broke the kiss and rested his head on her head. He rubs her hair gently and whispers.

Neil : good morning love!

Avni : good morning Neil.. can you please lay down with me?

Neil smiles pecking her forehead.

Neil : I would have love it but love, my body is smells of sweats. You wouldn't appreciate that. I should take a shower then later we can cuddle.

Avni laughs out sitting up against the headboard and raising her hand up, she ruffed his hair.

Avni : go take a shower. I will take your clothes out.

Neil nodded his head and glancing before gesturing her something he went to washroom.

While she understood his gesture and shaking her head , she gets down the bed and tying her hair in a bun walks to closet.

Placing his clothes on the bed, she moves to washroom and pushing the door, she enters inside and saw him showering.

Coming out of washroom, wrapped in a towel. He smirks he gazed down her body noticing his lips marks.

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