Chapter 14

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Next morning everyone was called on the field. They stood in the line and looks straight to see Neil coming with his team..

Neil took his sunglasses off and looks at them.

Neil :  very good morning to you all!

They wished him good morning and waits for Neil to continue.

Neil : I hope yesterday you all settled well I'm camp. Today we will be giving training how to defence yourself in any situations but before that I would like you all to warm yourself up. So two laps around the field. Hurry now.

All the participants ran around the field while Neil and his team observed them. Neil seeing avni slowing down shouted top of his voice so avni and others can hear too.

Neil : no slowing down. If I see anyone slowing down then be ready for punishment.

Avni groans and cursing Neil in her mind speeds up.

Avni panting down stops running and keeping her hand on her waist and bending down her head little down took her breaths in. She took time to calm herself down.

Neil : very impressive everyone. Now I want everyone to get themselves in pairs.

The participants got themselves in pair but Avni struggled finding someone to pair with her. Everyone noticed this and looks at Neil.

Neil : it's okay miss avni. You can join any group making as three or you can take your pain from my team member.

Avni smirks thinking about the offer and teased Neil.

Avni : can I really choose someone from your team sir?

Neil : that is what I have said miss Avni. I don't think I spoke in different languages. Did I?

Avni shook her head and looks at Vicky who winks her making her smile widely. Neil failed notice this as Vicky was standing behind him.

Avni : thank you sir for the offer.. I will chose Vicky sir as my partner.

Neil's eyes snaps at the back as he heard avni choosing Vicky over him. Neil gave look to Vicky and turns back to avni.

Neil : now I want everyone to find space with your partners.

Everyone nodding their head moves with their partners to find a spot for themselves. Vicky giving smirk look passed bouncing his shoulder with Neil moves to Avni and stood next to her.

Neil shaking his head and focusing on his duty looks at Sanjay to come near him.

Sanjay took his position behind Neil and was ready to attack on Neil soon as Neil give small thumbs up to Sanjay.

Neil : carefully watch the demo.. you will be practicing later.

Sanjay putting his hands up attacked Neil but before that Neil firmly gripped his hand and pushed him back.

Sanjay attacked on Neil from different angles and Neil self defenced himself in all the forms. He then telling Sanjay to stop looks at the participants.

Neil : get in the piston and the person who is standing back will be the attacker. The person in front will self defence themselves. Clear. Now practice.

They nodded their head and starts practicing while Neil looks at his boys.

Neil : I want you all to observe and correct them if they are doing any mistake wrong.

The boys nodded their head and moved to field where they starts observing the youngsters who were doing completely wrong.

Neil stood beside vidyut with his arms against his chest. He puts his sunglasses back on making him hot as hell.

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