Chapter 60

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Exhaustedly she leans back on the chair closing the files. Her fingers raised up to rubs neck as she felt stiffen. A soft groan escaped as her phone starts ringing.

Glancing at the phone that were ringing and lying under piles of papers on her desk. Stretching her hand she grabs the phone and looks at the caller id.

Answering the call, she brought the phone close to her and puts it on speaker.

Avni : hello mom.

Swetha : hello Avni. Where are you? Did you see the time? It's too late.

Her eyes fell on the clock and her eyes widen realising the time. She bits her lips and sighs nervously.

Avni : mom. I'm sorry. I didn't realise the time. I'll pack my stuff and come. Did dad come home?

Swetha : it's okay beta. No your dad hasn't arrived home. Can you please check on him too?

Avni : off course mom. I'm very sorry.

Swetha : you don't need to apologise. Come home soon both of you.

Avni : okay mom.

She ended ended the call and quickly packs stuff. Shuffling her laptop and files in a bag she stood up. She also tidied up her desk.

Grabbing a blazer from the chair, she placed it on the arm and holding a bag in one hand and in other hand, she walks out of the cabin and headed towards Prakash's cabin.

Knocking on the door she waits till she heard his voice. Pushing the door she peeps inside and see Prakash typing on the computer.

Avni : dad!

Hearing her voice, he snapped his head from the screen and looks at her with a smile.

Prakash : when did you come? You don't need go knock beta. Come inside. Have you finished with your work?

Entering inside she stood opposite and looks at him.

Avni : dad what are you still doing in office? Shouldn't you be at home? Why are you working till late?

Prakash sheepishly smiles saving the work and shutting the computer and turning all his attention on his daughter.

Prakash : i had some work to complete beta. It's complete now. We can leave. Did your mom call?

Avni : I can't understand you dad sometime. Yes mom did call. You will be scolding by her today. You're working too much. It isn't good for your health dad.

Prakash packed his belongs and walks towards Avni.

Prakash : Little scold by your mom won't be harm dear. Let's go home.

She shook her head seeing how chilled he was but realising why he was working late in office. She sighs and follows him outside the cabin.

They walked to the car park and looks at each other before getting into the car. They settled down in Avni's car and fastening her seatbelt she starts driving to khanna mansion.

Rolling the window, she allowed the breeze hit her face. Her glanced at Prakash in between and found smiling to himself. She frowns but chucked her thought away.

Exact it's been two weeks since Neil went back to military. Not many things have changed. Just as promised Avni joined working with Prakash in khanna industrial next day morning.

Everything was going so smoothly. Working in khanna industrial was way of her distracting herself, it has been worth and best for her. She was loving helping and working with Prakash.

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