Chapter 5

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Nandini, Manik and avni were sitting the cafe and sipping their drinks in silence when avni broke the silence between them.

Avni : guys I can't tolerate any more silence between us. Please say something!

Nandini and Manik looks at avni who mouthed' say something'.

Manik who was sitting between his both ladies wrapped one of his hand around Avni's shoulder.

Manik : what does my baby doll wants to talk about it?

Avni : like anything but not stay in silence.

Nandini giggles lightly gaining brother and sister's attention.

Manik : what is so funny baby?

Nandini: haha.. nothing!

Manik : I'm sure something you found very funny! Mind sharing with us?

Nandini shook her head and took sip of her drink. Meanwhile avni adore them but unfortunately her adoration was broken by her phone ringing. She took her phone out and looks at the caller ID.

Avni : Bhai sorry but I have to take this call!

Manik : who is it?

Avni : work! I'll be right back!

Manik nodded his head. Avni got up and starts moving outside of the cafe. She picked the call up and starts talking. Avni was so engrossed in her talking when her eyes fell on a particular person who in one glimpse managed to stop the world for avni. Avni just stared the person who was helping a old lady to cross the lady holding the lady hand.

A smile of the person made avni crave of that person so much. Avni came back to her thought after hearing other side of person calling her name on the phone. Avni tried glancing the person once again but unfortunately the person was out of her sight.

Avni sighed and got back to her call. Avni ended the call went back inside the cafe to see another person sitting on their table back facing her.

Avni starts making her way to her table and pulled the chair next to Manik mindless. She didn't acknowledge who was the person sitting opposite her.

Manik : baby doll what took you so long?

Avni : Bhai I had some work!

Avni said turning her gaze opposite her only to get shocked. Her eyes widen seeing the person. She couldn't believe it the person who was becoming her addiction in such short time was sitting opposite her. She widely checked the person out till Manik shook her lightly.

Avni composing herself looks at Manik shaking her head.

Manik : where are you lost baby doll?

Avni : just thinking about work. Bhabhi where is your brother? When is he coming?

Avni didn't realise the person who was sitting opposite her was Nandini's brother aka Neil Khanna who was stole her heart in just first glimpse.

Nandini: avni the person who is sitting opposite you is my brother. Neil Khanna!

Avni's eyes widen and spoke shockingly.

Avni : what?

Avni ( mind) shit avni! How could you do this? How can you? Oh fuck! I thought he was somewhere else.

Avni cursed herself having some feelings for Neil without knowing anything.

Manik : baby doll what is wrong with you today? Are you okay?

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