Chapter 55

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Swinging their entwined hands, they strolled through empty streets. Not many people were walking, very less walked passed them minding their own business. Cold breeze touched their body making her body flinch due to various coldness.

He sighs and stops coming front of her. He cups her face rubbing his both hand against her cheeks.

Neil : feeling cold? Wanna head back to hotel?

She shook her head not wanting to go back to hotel. She placed her hand on his that were placed on her cheek.

He deeply sighs removing his hand away. He took his coat, wrapping around her body. He engulfs her in a side hug walking down the street loving the moments.

She snuggles to his chest feeling the warmth and smiles seeing his care towards him. All of sudden she screamed his name making him startled.

He comes out of shock and looks at her who was smiling widely staring something. He follows the gaze and shook his head when he noticed what was happening inside her tiny head.

He turns around and melted seeing her cute face. He couldn't even say no. He shook his head and nodded his head walks towards ice cream shop.

Her smiles brighten up as they walked inside the shop.

Neil : what favour would you like love?

Avni : I will have chocolate and vanilla.

Neil : you want have two ice creams? Are you serious love? You will get ill.

Avni : please Neil! I won't get ill.

Neil sighs and nodding his head orders the ice cream and passed two bowl of ice cream to her who gleams in happiness. Her face overjoyed as she dips the spoon and took the first bite.

She closed her eyes and relished the flavour melting into her mouth. Neil shook his head and paid the money before holding her hand and dragging her out of the shop.

Neil : I can't believe it. I am allowing this to happen.

She stops eating and looks at him who was taunting for having so much sweets since they arrived for their honeymoon.

rolling her eyes she ate her ice cream. They were walking on isolate streets. Breeze touching their faces. Neil stops as he stares his wife who was engrossed eating her ice cream, he sighs moving closer and tucks her hair back and smiles how cutest she is.

Neil didn't notice when the bowl of ice cream from his hand was snatched. When he noticed, it was too late as his wife finished half of it already.

He literally shook his head and wondered how can she eat so much sweet and cold food so fast. He mentally made a note putting restrictions on what she eats especially on sweets.

He comes out of his thoughts as he felt her scooting closer to his body. He smiles pulling her into his arms looking at her. He pressed his lips on her forehead.

Neil : I can see, you're getting very naughty. You ate my ice cream. Should I punish you?

Avni : it's not my fault. It was melting. I was being good girl thought not to waste, so I had it. It's your fault that you were so slow.

Neil made oh face and pinched her cheek then rubs it lightly, he pressed his lips on her both cheeks and smiles.

He glances at the time on his wrist and tilting his hand up looking towards looks at her.

Neil : I really don't wish to back to hotel and make love to you, even though it's tempting and I wouldn't mind making love to you but i have another plan in my head.

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