Chapter 10

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Malthora mansion.

Avni waking up next morning frowns as she found herself all tucked in bed. Her eyes fell on the clock which made her sigh as she didn't she sleep till late.

She wondered how did she landed in her room when she clearly remember after Neil leaving the mansion she settled on couch in living room and turning the tv on shuffled around the channel waiting for Neil to come back.

Avni ( mind) how did I get in my room? I was waiting for Neil.

She comes out of her thought as she heard footsteps.

She turns her eyes at the door and saw Neela walking in. Neela passing a smile to avni moves to open the curtains.

Neela opening the curtains moves to avni.

Neela : good morning bacha. Did you sleep well?

Neela spoke while sitting down beside avni and pecking her forehead.

Avni : good morning maa. Yes i did! Maa do you know I got inside the room?

Neela frowns.

Neela : what do you mean bacha?

Avni shook her head.

Avni : nothing maa.. I will just go and fresh up.

Neela nods her head. Avni getting down the bed walks to washroom.

Neela shaking her head starts making the bed. Neela after making the bed left the room.

Avni after freshening up comes out of the washroom and found the room empty.  She smiles seeing the bed and thanked Neela in her head.

Avni moves to her closet and takes clothes out to wear. She walks to bed and starts getting dressed.

Avni grabbing her phone walks out of the room. As she walks down the stairs she could hear her parents talking. She quickly walks to dinning room and found her parents talking while having their breakfast.

Avni moving to Ashish kissed his cheek from behind wishing him good morning.

Avni : good morning papa..

Ashish : good morning princess.

He passed her smile and gesture her take a seat. Avni sat down and roams her eyes to find one pair but didn't find it.

Avni starts eating her food while thinking where Neil could be. Her thoughts were broken by Ashish who resolved Avni's question.

Ashish : Neela where is Neil? He didn't come for breakfast.

Neela : he's still asleep. I went today to wake him up but seeing him in deep sleep I didn't wake him up. Let him sleep. He must be tired and arrived late last night.

Ashish nodded his head and continued eating his food while avni listening to Neela played with food. Neela noticing that calls Avni's name out gaining Ashish attention too.

Neela : bacha why are you playing with the food? Do you want to me make something else for you?

Avni looks at her parents and nods no.

Avni : no maa.. I just don't feel hungry right now. Can I skip the breakfast?

Neela : but bacha.. have something at least.

Avni : I don't feel hungry maa..

Ashish : it's fine princess, have something to eat whenever you feel hungry.

Avni : thanks papa.. I'll be in my room.

She stood up and was about to leave but stopped as Neela called her back.

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