Birthdays, Babies And Dancing In The Rain.

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I downed my second glass of champagne for the night, my eyes roaming over the crowd that had gathered on the back lawn for the party. Abuela invited quite a bit of their close friends and acquaintances, many of whom were prominent, influential people from the crime families and drug cartels of Colombia.

Since this was my first time meeting them I wanted to make a good first impression. So I got all dolled up in a red charmeuse, off-the-shoulder evening dress with a sweetheart neckline and a slit going up my right thigh. For my jewelry I had on a pair of diamond studded earrings, a rhinestone bracelet and a matching necklace.

So far men of all ages stopped to ogle me but immediately averted their eyes when they saw my husband standing next to me with his arm wrapped possessively around my waist. He looked gorgeous as ever, wearing a black three piece Armani suit, one of the cufflinks he got from Tía Tulia and smelling of aftershave and Clive Christian perfume.

At the moment he was having a glass of bourbon by the pool with Damen. I smiled at how relaxed he looked. These last few days in Medellín were nice and all but I knew he missed the rest of our family, missed being in control of things. Besides me that is.

Checking the time I saw that it was only eight fifteen. Dinner was still being prepared by the chefs who were cooking in the outdoor kitchen. We were having five variations of each course. Five entrees, five soups, five types of meat, five main courses and five side dishes to compliment them. And for dessert we'll have cake and ice cream. I skipped lunch this afternoon so I could have room for the feast awaiting me tonight.

"Well, hello again Jasmine!"

Groaning I turned around to see Bruno standing behind me with a grin on his face. And he wasn't alone, he had Father with him.

"My dear you are looking lovely in that dress," Bruno said, eyeing my body with nothing but lust in his eyes.
"Yes, she's quite a looker isn't she?" Father chuckled. "It's a shame she's already married to Valentino. Otherwise I would've let her marry your son when he got back from overseas."
"Yes, it would've been nice for Max to get married to such a beautiful young lady such as Jasmine. He's not as smart or capable as the rest of his siblings but he's quite handsome. Would you like to meet him Jasmine?"

"No thank you," I declined. "I already have a husband and he doesn't take too kindly to other men flirting with me."
"Don't be rude dear," Father took ahold of my arm and started walking in the direction of the refreshments table where I saw a tall man having a glass of vodka. He had thick black hair and opal green eyes and had a noticable scar on the side of his mouth.

"Max I'd like you to meet someone," Bruno said. "This is Ivan's youngest daughter Jasmine. Isn't she beautiful?"
Like his father, Max shamelessly allowed his eyes to roam my body, licking his lips when his gaze landed on my partially exposed cleavage.

"Max has been staying in Paris for the past eighteen months and he recently got back," Bruno said as he placed his hand on Max's shoulder. "He'll be joining the family business in a week's time and working alongside his brothers."

"Well I wish you all the best Max," I tell him with a smile as fake as silicone. "And now if you'll excuse me I'm going to find my husband. He must be looking for me and I-"
"What's the rush beautiful?" Max asked seductively as he rubbed my bare arm with his hand, making me visibly cringe at the sensation he left behind.

"Jasmine why don't you tell Max about college?" Father suggested. "I'm sure he'll be very interested to hear all about your studies."
"Maybe some other time," I said, feeling uncomfortable under Max's lustful gaze. I tried to move away but Father held me in place and whispered in my ear, "Don't you dare embarrass me young lady. You may have Valentino and Luciano wrapped around your little finger but I can see right through your pretentious, good girl act."

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