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Claude woke with a start, every nerve in his body electrified as he rushed out of bed with a gasp.  His body was coated in sweat, his shirt sticking to his skin.  He was panting, clutching his head as a pulsing migraine pounced on him.

He had that dream again.  He swore out loud, banging his fist against his pillow.  This woman…this thing had once again invaded his dreams.  Why was she tormenting him so much?  What had he ever done to anyone to deserve such treatment?

" Master Breakfast is served"

The butler's voice came from behind the door.

Claude took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his wet face, his hand roaming his neck in tiredness.  He flinched as his finger scraped something painful on his neck just above the jugular vein.  He frowned, pulling his hand back to see a small spot of blood on his fingertips.

"She did it again…"

he muttered, staring at the blood on his fingers.

Every time he had that horrible dream, she marked him.  Somewhere she would bite him and leave bloody marks.  If it weren't for these marks, he would simply reject her existence like a repetitive nightmare.  But every morning after the dream, he would find those bites and he would know… she was real.

"  Master, I'm going to run you a bath then I come in.

The butler's voice rang out again

"Yes, come in"

He responded, wiping his neck once more, the butler came in and went straight to the bathroom to prepare his master's bath... like every morning for a few weeks, he had this awful face when he woke up. The doctor said it was just labor but he couldn't believe it.

But he was only a servant so he would stay in his place.  He went running the bath and sometime later Claude went to take it.

He took off his sweaty night clothes and stepped into the tub, letting the hot water wash over his naked body.  He thought about the dream, thought about the devil that haunted him, and knew he would see her again tonight.

It had started as a midnight nightmare.  He had entered this strange black world with total confusion.  He had known it was a dream. What else could it be?  But it felt so real to him.  He had wandered in the mist for what seemed like hours before She appeared.  For the first few times the dream happened, she was nothing more than a disembodied voice, creeping around him, whispering sinful words in his ear to make him blush.

That first night, he woke up more panicked than he had ever been.  That night was five weeks ago.  One shouldn't wait another week before he had the dream again, and then another week and a half before the next one.  It started to become rare between the two when he wouldn't have had the nightmare.  And before long, it would be a strange occurrence not to have the dream.

He got out of the tub, a puff of steam following him as he did.  He stood in front of the mirror, wiping away the condensation to look at his face.  His dark hair was wet.  His dark eyes were cloudy with fatigue, dark bags under his eyes.  He stared at the newly obtained mark on his neck, the same as the one on his right shoulder, his left wrist, his pectoral muscle, and his left shoulder blade.  She likes to bite, either because she liked seeing him squirm under her, or because she liked the taste, he didn't know.

He decided he would wear his jacket today over a shirt and roll up the collar.

Once the thought crossed his mind, there was an audible hiss behind him and the feeling of fingers trailing down his back, making him flinch and shiver.

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