Azef's secrets

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After this night, both passionate and strange, the next morning was, on the contrary, very sweet for Azef and I as we caressed each other in the sheets.

Azef, who had probably been accustomed to getting up extremely early, ended up waking me up.  And even though I'm not a morning person, I wasn't upset. On the contrary, turning around on the bed and seeing Azef's magnificent face could only bring me happiness.

I'll try not to ask too many questions about him.  I have a lot on my mind and I must admit that the fact that he is what he is;  or what I suspect he is may bring me more satisfaction.  I wouldn't say that I'm going to use him like a common tool, I'm in love with him so that would be both insulting him and my feelings.  I would rather say that he will help me as he so kindly offered me.

I need to become strong both physically and as a mage.  For that, I have to find a reliable way, and I already have my own idea.  Moreover, after immersing myself in the memories of little Mylène, I need to be fair.  Even if my parents did this out of desperation to find me, they must atone for their sins with this poor innocent girl.  I will be uncompromising on this subject.

I looked at the sky which was still dark and the wind blowing outside was strong enough to shake the windows;  grains of sand and pieces of dead branches that were carried by the wind hit the windows

It was slightly cold which is why Azef and I were curled up together while I listened to Azef's heartbeat who didn't stop stroking my hair.

“So Mylène...what do you think about starting your training today?”  I gasped in surprise.  It was like he was probing my mind again.  I sighed, what's the point of playing the surprised one, it's true he threw me off guard but I must not forget that he is potentially a demon like my parents.

I closed my eyes, the feeling of Azef's hands against my hair making me want to purr from so much gentleness, but now was not the time.  I pinched my eyes and sinking deeper into my lover's embrace, I sighed contently.  It was warm and pleasant, I don't want to think about anything else but I have to believe that it was not the intention of Azef who moved slightly away from my warmth... regretfully of course but it was necessary... he  raised my face with his index finger and looked into each other's eyes, silently ordering me to stay focused.

“Hm yes you are right!  But you must know that I have never held a sword or any other weapon in my life.  My physical abilities are probably zero since I’ve never done any physical activities with this body so I’ll probably be a poor student.”

“There’s no need to worry about that, Mylène, I’m an excellent teacher.”

“So I’m in good hands I guess.”


The wind was now whistling loudly outside and Azef frowned, he felt that it was going to rain soon apparently.

“A storm is coming…”

“Ah yes it seems so…”

Then I looked up at Azef again and found his jaw clenched and the expression on his face was truly surprising, then he smiled surprisingly.

“A problem Azef?”

The latter stiffens before sighing and nodding his head

“No, don’t worry Mylène, I was just thinking about something.”


“No it's nothing, I mean, I'm happy.  Goods news are coming and I can't wait to share them with you.  But hey, for now, let’s talk about other things, shall we?”

I frowned, these secrets again.  It frustrates me so much... Of course I don't know him very well but I always have the impression that he is hiding so many things from me that I have to think that I shouldn't really know... it was better for me  that I never know anything about him.  But I still want to know, he belongs to me and as such I must know everything about him.

“You are so mysterious.”

“I’m sorry…I..”

“You don’t have to apologize, it’s just that I really want to know who you really are...are you a demon too?”

Azef shook his head before snickering.

"A demon ?  But these beings came from my will”


“Don’t ask too many questions, Mylène.  Everything in its time, okay?  For now, let’s focus on your training.”

He stroked my face, letting me know that the subject was closed.  Were the demons the result of his will?  What exactly does that mean?  What kind of pet boy that my father gave me?  Was it my father's will to do this?  This story seems to be more complicated than I imagined.

“It doesn’t matter, Azef.  I will know who you are one day but for now I just want to enjoy your love.”  It's better to resolve this way, my head will hurt too much if I start digging too much.

Azef smiled and put me back under the sheets, the climate becoming more and more difficult.  It had started to rain and even with the safety of the mansion's internal heating, the weather was getting very cold.  Although I am used to the harsh winter, my old apartment was not in better buildings, the heating often leaved something to be desired, I must admit that the weather is getting tough.

I yawned and put myself back in Azef's arms who enveloped me, really making me warm while my eyelids grew heavy.

Azef smiled, watching me fall asleep before looking up at the window.  He sat up slightly then, getting out of bed, he went to look out the window.  He saw, at the top of an immense tree which overlooks the kingdom, an immense bird spreading its wings.  He smiled, his face growing soft before placing his hand on his chest.
“I missed you too.”  He turned to Mylene, making sure she was fast asleep, he changed his appearance, taking on a form that would chill the blood of anyone who saw him.
“My astral energy seems more and more stable, just a little more time and I could materialize in this world”
He felt a plaintive cry in the distance before raising his face to the tree, realizing he had to go.
“You have not changed despite the centuries, still as whiny, my dear little brother”
Azef disappeared from Mylène's room, going to meet this newcomer.

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