Azef Falavela Conçeo

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Luminus's eyes were wide yet he couldn't move no matter how much he tried, it didn't change anything.  With all the will and his last energies that he could muster, He crawled to his statue and decided to break his soul in two.  The first half divided into four entities which he sent into the great forest which was at the center of the kingdom of Garten.  It was a blessed place that also had plenty of mana allowing his littles ones to grow since they were still in their eggs.

The four sovereigns butchered him like an animal and divided his flesh into four equal parts, the sovereign of Selafon demanding to take the chest at the level of the heart.

They fed on the flesh and blood of Luminus and gained some of his powers which now allowed them to practice magic in everyday life.  But they didn't anticipate that Luminus' magic would be more complex than they imagined.

Their powers were limited and were only good for small tasks.  Over the years, they transmitted to their children the abilities of magic, political marriages making it possible to popularize magic and to extend it almost to all the people up to the Falavela Conçeo family which was born from the union between a prince  of the kingdom of Falavela and a princess of Conçeo.  They had known the truth about what their ancestors had done to Luminus and had fled, settling in a castle that the fallen prince of Falavela had built for him and his future wife.

They lived in the middle of the Blue Forest known today as the Forest of Nightmares.  A child was born in this house and was recognized by the sacred beasts who lived in the blue forest, these coming without the parents' knowledge to provide care to the child who had the energy of their creator in him, the magic  of light.

They quickly understood that their creator before dying had decided to put the second half of his energy into his own reincarnations.

They were in astral form and only the child could see them, but when the child was seven years old, his parents took him to town on an errand and he revealed his powers in front of everyone.

Whether it was the royal family of Conçeo or that of Falavela, both had claimed the child as their own, an unnamed war broke out.  The kingdom of Conçeo had Garten as an ally and the kingdom of Falavela the empire of Selafon who had made Falavela promise to unite their children after the victory.

An unprecedented war had struck the earth, with the Falavela Conçeo couple taking refuge in their home to protect their child.  But unfortunately, the enemies found them and while the Conçeo killed the Falavela relative, the Falavela in retaliation killed the Conçeo relative.

The child in the middle of it all was so traumatized that in his rage he killed everything that moved and was consoled by the sacred beasts.

But to find him, despite this manifestation of his strength, the armies of the warring countries devastated the blue forest, transforming it into a real battlefield.  Tired of so many horrors and in order to protect the child, the sacred beasts brought down on humans, the representations of their anger and their resentment: demons, vampires, werewolves and other evil creatures came to kill all those-  there who transformed their forest into this bloodbath.

The child was so traumatized that he preferred to end his life causing the sacred beasts to despair, which changed the appearance of the blue forest which, once beautiful and welcoming, into a frightening and sinister place.

Centuries passed and each time a holder of light magic appeared, a total war was created and the holder ended up killing himself to prevent more bloodshed making the beasts sacred more sad and desperate, the forest of nightmares filling with the expression of their torment.

To prevent the situation from becoming more difficult, the legend of light magic was embellished a little, saying that it was a gift that brought joy to people, omitting the various tragedies that followed the appearance of a holder of this power. 
To have a better chance of having another holder of light magic, the Conçeo royalty and that of Falavela decided to unite the members of their families, creating the Falavela Conçeo family which grew over time.

The sacred beasts grew and acquired earthly bodies except Seiryu who was of a particular nature and therefore had to possess a human body to have a physical body.  Over the years, he lived in the bodies of the descendants of the Falavela Conçeo until twenty years ago when the family was attacked in the middle of the night by assassins whose origins no one knows.  Only the last son of this family, Azef Falavela Conçeo was spared thanks to the intervention of Seiryu but the child was far too young to shelter his Astral body, Azef was only 10 years old at the time.

To protect him until adulthood, Seiryu wanted to take him to the Forest of Nightmares but they were attacked again.  To escape their attackers, they found themselves at the edge of the Hosten mansion where Christal and Claude were wondering how to find their real daughter.

Christal had recognized the essence of Seiryu's energy and immediately after seeing Azef remembered the fact that he had to occupy the body of a human.  She smiled, a good way to get revenge on him.

Seiryu, no longer able to risk hurting Azef, decided to immediately possess his body even if his brothers and other sacred beasts were not there to protect him during the transfer where he is extremely vulnerable.

The moment he entered, Christal sealed him, Azef's body had changed appearance after Seiryu's entry making him unrecognizable to his pursuers except those who followed him closely.

Claude got rid of them and when the child woke up, Cristal presented herself as his mistress making him a servant of a demon.

Seiryu was plunged into an artificial sleep, his brothers looking for him everywhere while Christal left Azef in Claude's hands.

Seiryu slept like this for many years until the day before he felt the magic of light rising when he discovered that the person who possessed it was the daughter of two demons.  The very ones who put him to sleep all these years, but worse the body he occupied had impure thoughts about the body of the holder of power.

He tried to stop it because if their bodies were linked, he too would fall into this love, dragging his brothers with him because they shared the same soul.

A useless effort because now he is also very much in love with Mylène Von Hosten and his brothers must have felt it too, which is why they are the only ones with whom he is ready to share Mylène.

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