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Far from the Forest of Nightmares, in the capital of the Kingdom of Garten, the second prince, Aaron Shubert Von Garten was kneeling before his father the king and queen.  His older brother, the crown prince was sitting a little far from the throne and he could feel the whole room watching him.

“The second prince salutes His Majesty the King of Garten, the sun of the kingdom and the guide of the celestial light, Her Majesty the Queen of Garten the moon of the kingdom and the blessing thereof.”  He said, like an automaton, his face emotionless.

“Good, get up, Prince Aaron.  If I called you back urgently from your mission, it’s because I decided to unite you with Sophia Springsteen, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Springsteen.”  The king spoke, monotonously, as the people in the throne room had begun to murmur.

Aaron's face was cold and emotionless, but deep inside he was boiling with rage... This Sophia Springsteen, he knew her as the queen of society in the capital.  It was said of her that she not only had grace and beauty but that she was also very intelligent.
Yes, if you want, because for him after having looked at all the women of high society in Garten, none was worth Mylène Von Hosten in beauty, charisma and grace...
She was the perfection of his image of the ideal woman, none having even half of her attractions.

“I understand and accept the decision of my sovereign....” He replied, however, he could not reject it in front of his father and the entire royal court like this, it would be suicide  social so he was going to tolerate it.

“Well, as I told you, I would like you to spend as much time as possible with her.  This is why I am releasing you from your mission for a period of two months during which you will stay here in the capital and get to know Miss Sophia Springsteen better.”

Aaron froze...two months?  Two long months away from his Mylène?  For a woman he doesn't care about?

“I think the mission is more important... I'll have enough time afterwards to woo Miss Sophia Springsteen, for now the Nightmare Forest is a priority.  It is not yet known how long the creatures that inhabit it will remain calm, but the last time I was there, there were strange rumors that many evil creatures had been seen in town.  If so, it can be foreshadowed that the sacred beasts have released their creatures and that not only our kingdom but also all those around us will be struck by these curses.”

Aaron had gotten down on his knee to speak to his father, remaining calm as a sign of submission.  His father trembled with fear before speaking.

“I see... I actually received this information from you a few days ago but I didn't think it would be this serious...”
Aaron smiled, it was a good plan to use this mission that had pissed him off in the first place because now rather than a curse it has become a real blessing.  There he was able to meet the woman of his life and he was lucky enough to love her.

When he returned to Hosten, he was first going to purpose to her and her father, despite his status as Duke, never participated in the political affairs of the kingdom, it was enough for this man to appear as his support for the  order of things changes in the royal court and the nobility, still partial to his incapable brother, definitively takes his side.
But that's not why he wants Mylène.  Her beauty and charisma ensure that all those who will still be against his will to break up with Sophia for Mylène at the beginning will rally.  In addition, Mylène has this mysterious side which puts her above other women

“But we cannot neglect your engagement to Miss Sophia Springsteen…” his father insisted.

“Except if the kingdom is attacked, it doesn’t matter, this engagement would no longer be of any use because we would all be dead.”

Aaron didn't want to be polite anymore, he tried to be polite but if his father continued to push him into the arms of this tasteless woman, he wasn't going to be so nice anymore.

“Prince Aaron, I have the impression that you are doing everything not to marry Miss Sophia Springsteen.”

The King of Garten had put a note of reproach in his voice mixed with a sly threat that Aaron had not missed, and clenched his jaw.

He was about to speak when a knight announced the arrival of Grand Duke Springsteen.

Everyone turned to look at them as he arrived with his daughter.

She was beautiful as an angel, her long auburn hair and amber eyes, she had a magnificent pink dress with sky blue ribbons... the crown prince swallowed, scowling.  He was the one who was to marry the most beautiful woman in the kingdom not his brother but this request for engagement had come from the Duke himself.

Once again, her brother stole the spotlight thanks to his beauty and strength.

When Sophia Springsteen saw Aaron, her heart skipped a beat.  She didn't know that he was back in the capital, he was stunningly handsome and that intense look he gave her made her think she was dying.

Aaron stood up, studying this woman who was to be his fiancée if he doesn't do anything, she was beautiful, magnificent if he had to be honest;  but he hated the way she looked at him like he was a god or something.  She was blushing and he was convinced that if he asked her to fuck right now, she would spread her legs immediately ...damn nothing to do with Mylène's confident and arrogant character.

She and her father walked towards the throne and when they arrived at Aaron's level, they greeted the rulers before turning to Aaron.

“Your Highness, I’m glad to see you again.”  The Grand Duke began, his daughter lowering her face and saluting while stammering.

“Y..your Highness the Second Prince Aaron Shubert Von Garten, I Sophia....Sophia Springsteen I salute you.”

Aaron rolled his eyes before sighing taking Sophia's hand before bringing it to his lips.

“I also salute you Lady”

“How charming, Prince Aaron, I suggest you take Miss Sophia Springsteen for a walk, don’t you?”

Aaron glared at his father before agreeing and leading Sophia out of the throne room, the latter blushing at being close to Aaron.

“ Shit.”

He had shouted when they arrived at the garden, surprising Sophia.

"Your Highness ?"

“I have to go, I have a mission to complete.”

" But .."

“Lady Sophia Springsteen, the kingdom is in danger so I don't have time to court you at the moment, please excuse me”

And with that he was gone, leaving Sophia Springsteen in turmoil, but he didn't care.  He had to find Mylène as quickly as possible.

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