Spinning and poison.

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"Knight, please stop the car."  I almost screamed as I saw Gabrielle walking down a crowded path and if I didn't hurry out of the vehicle, I would lose her track.  It was inevitable.

The knight obeyed and stopped the car as he quickly got out to open the door for me but I was already out of the car looking around so I could make out Gabrielle's shadow in the crowd.  I even stood on my tiptoes trying to see where she could be in that huge crowd and soon I noticed her dark hooded coat.

"My Lady?" The man's voice brought me back to him and I watched him forcing a smile as my mind followed Gabrielle through the crowd.

"Thank you, you can go back to His Highness, I'll stop here,"  I spoke hastily, wanting to follow Gabrielle as soon as possible. Especially since luckily, she seemed not to know where she was going if I referred to the fact that she had stopped, seeming to be glancing everywhere as if looking for her way.

The knight simply nodded before curtsying.  He got back in the car and turned around towards where we came from.  Left alone, I began to walk, hastening my pace to be able to catch up with Gabrielle and follow her beyond this human avalanche.  I was sure it was Gabrielle under that dark cape, I'd bet my hand on it.  I'm not very close to her and to be honest, if I base myself on my memories, Mylène either, but I could recognize this little bitch at any time...

Why was she hiding exactly?  And above all, where was she going?

Gabrielle, as little as I remembered her, was not the type of person to parade through the streets of the city without guards to show that she is of the ducal family.  She's always liked to brag about her status; I imagine it's because she's not a legitimate child, and so reminding people that she's now noble is a way to prove her existence.  Anyway, the fact that she is here alone and so suspiciously is not common.

She wasn't there in the morning and I figured she wasn't her type to miss gossip.  Especially when the second prince was around.  She would have missed no opportunity to gather information to report to Marion De Solsten;  to believe that she thought Marion was the one who would make that her engagement with Frederik succeeded.

I shook my head at the stupidity of some people before watching Gabrielle take a small path trying to get away from the crowd.

I took this opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of the city as well, having never been able to stand being among people.  It was a trauma anchored in me because every time I found myself among people, whether in the office or any public place, I was humiliated.

So I learned to avoid people and even run away from them.  I looked at a little shop nearby that sold capes and decided to buy one.

My fiery red hair did not go unnoticed at all and it would be really stupid for me to walk around with it in the wind.  Especially when I want to spin in the rules of the art.

I covered myself as much as I could and ran to catch up with Gabrielle who was looking left and right to see if she was being followed.  I quickly hid behind a wall frowning at this reaction.

This twitched in my mind as I realized that the situation was becoming far more intriguing than I could have expected.  Gabrielle must have been on such a big deal that she was afraid of being discovered.  Was it illegal?  It could only be that.  I smiled, maybe I'll have something to keep her quiet for a while if I find out her dirty little secret.

I ran through the streets like a madwoman trying my hardest not to lose Gabrielle's covered form among the crowd.  In the aftermath, I bumped into two or three people who yelled at me to be careful but I didn't want to lose my sight of Gabrielle so I ignored them giving some of them the middle finger.

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