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My father had not yet finished speaking, and I had already gone out. I was now impatient to meet this man of whom my father was so proud and who seemed to mean so much to him. It's not every day that Claude Von Hosten feels affection for living beings, and frankly, this caught my interest.

On my way, I passed through the entrance hall and found myself face-to-face with Frederik, who seemed to be waiting for something or someone. He was waiting for me; who else? When he saw me, he smiled at me as I looked at him coldly, which he noticed.

It was both on purpose and felt! On purpose because I was disappointed in him at the greenhouse, but also because I was fantasizing about this famous Azef, trying to imagine what type of man he was, but I was to meet this man... Boring.

Frederik noticed the change in Mylène's expression and clenched his fists in frustration and sadness. The last thing he wanted was to provoke this disgust, which was already creeping into Mylène's mind and which she no longer even hid from him.

"Mylène…" he began, but I didn’t allow him to add more.

"Sir Frederik De Solsten, were you waiting for someone? I thought I saw my brothers going to the gardens. Unless it's your fiancée you're looking for, which is rather surprising given that I left you together." I spat dryly, with a hint of disgust in my tone.

"I... Mylène, listen to me," he tried to beg, but he was starting to come out of my ears.

" I...."
I wanted to retort, but just as I was about to speak, the sound of hooves was heard, causing a commotion outside. It didn't take long before a young man with an angelic face and deep black hair entered the entrance hall. His eyes were an intense emerald color, and he had a sharp gaze and an imposing physique.

"Sweet heaven, tell me I’m dreaming; who is this Apollo?"

At the moment, I couldn't stop myself from saying these words. Frederik could have heard them and immediately frowned. Mylène was already very angry with him; she must not find herself thinking of another man other than him now.

Behind me, hurried footsteps were heard, and my father came down to stand near me.

When the young man who had just entered saw the Duke, his face instantly lit up, and he ran towards him, passing Frederik without paying much attention.

"My uncle."

"Azef, I’m glad you’re finally here... I hope the ride went well."

"Yes, very good, thank you."

"You arrived faster than I imagined.”

"I was just very happy to be able to return to your side... I must admit that I didn't rest once during the journey."

Claude smiled, placing his hand on Azef's head, who had a proud smile spreading across his handsome face.

I watched my dad and made a mental note of one thing: My dad must have been very fond of this boy because he showed him so much attention. I wish the two assholes who serve as my brothers were here to see this. I didn't finish thinking about it as the two appeared, entering the entrance hall. They have certainly been warned by servants of the arrival of a guest whose importance they do not know.
Gabrielle and her mother had also arrived, intrigued by the newcomer.

Azef therefore took the time to admire his surroundings, his gaze falling on Mylène, who was hidden behind her father with a red face.
What is happening to me? Why am I acting like a teenager who's been hit by her hormones? Since when did I hide behind my father from a man? Since when has a man had this much influence on me since I've been in this world? Neither Frederik nor Aaron had that kind of influence on me. I need to calm down, but it's easier said than done.
This guy is not only handsome; he exudes a certain grace in his being that unique beings possess. His mere presence is enough to crush the others around him, and we only see him. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my ragged heartbeat. It was so powerful, it felt like my chest was going to explode.
I don't think I fell in love at first sight; no, it's stupid because it doesn't exist. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself. I looked up at Azef before quickly looking away, hiding even further behind my father. I already have a real problem because of all the men I have met, Azef is the best. He is above them.

"Azef, welcome home. Let me introduce you. Over there, I introduce you to my sons Karl and Edward Von Hosten. Then you have the son of Count De Solsten, Frederik De Solsten. Higher up, you have the wife I took and her daughters, Sofiane and Gabrielle."
Both were hit in the face; they no longer had a title in front of the guests in this house. What was this situation in which they
Are they just getting bogged down?

Then Claude moved away, and I stood in front of Azef. I had my face down, casting glances ahead of me, and when our eyes met, we both blushed. For the first time since I came into this world, I looked away, not out of sheer desire but because I was truly embarrassed.

"This is my little princess; her name is Mylène Von Hosten. Please take good care of her.”

Azef smiled before bending down, taking Mylène's hand, and bringing it to his lips.

"Mylène, I'm happy to finally meet you. Your father never stopped talking to me about the person who would be the most important in my life, and I'm not disappointed. You are gorgeous, and you have the most beautiful eye color that exists."

The entire entrance hall was torn apart; he had openly flirted with Mylène and poured out his thoughts to her so easily.

Frederik gritted his teeth, his gaze becoming almost feral. Gabrielle didn't miss a single expression of his before she smiled and jumped at the chance.

"Father, you mean that Sir Azef is Mylene's fiancé?”

Claude, Azef, and Mylène turned simultaneously to see who had just spoken. At least the inhabitants of the house knew it; their concern was to know what else this idiocy was. Only Azef was contemplative; he would never pretend to want to be interested in the daughter of his savior; that would amount to a lack of respect for him, even if the girl in question was of great beauty and had a truly particular attraction.

Claude did not want to give his daughter's enemies the means to be suspicious. He had first made Azef go to study elsewhere since his childhood, and even when the second prince went there, he had asked Azef to keep a low profile. Even if the latter was quite well known at the academy, we could not guess that he was from Garten, especially since Azef's real name was completely different and he had used his late mother's maiden name to enter Azef into the Selafon academy.

"I'm not Mylène’s fiancé; I’m just, how would I say, her assistant"

Frederik calmed down a little, his face relaxing, even though he found it strange that the Duke had brought a man as a companion for his daughter, although custom dictates that it should be a woman.

I smiled at Gabrielle's crestfallen face and looked at Frederik, deciding to give him a little break.

"Ah, Azef, you must be tired after such a long journey. Dad has already had your room prepared in the same wing as mine, so just go and rest and we'll see you later. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Mylene...."

They smiled tenderly at each other, with Claude sensing trouble coming.

“Isn’t it impertinent for an assistant to address his mistress with such familiarity?”

Frederik had crossed his arms on his chest and was looking at Azef angrily, which made the latter arch an eyebrow, not understanding why this man was showing him so much animosity.

"Azef is like a son to me, so I allow him to act with Mylène as he sees fit as long as they feel comfortable with each other and Mylène doesn't seem to complain about it. Am I wrong, Mylène?"

"No, Dad, I would much rather talk to Azef as a friend than establish this barrier between us. Besides, I don't want to take a man that dad loves as his son as a servant."

I stared at Karl and Edward teasingly, both of them now looking at Azef with critical eyes. Their father said it, and now Mylène too, so this Azef must have had a certain importance for their father given the look full of tenderness the latter gave him.

After Mylène, it was this stranger who came out of nowhere. What was the problem with this house where their father would never look at them the way they wanted?

Azef smiled, his hand moving alone to slide along Mylène's hair, caressing it delicately before speaking.

"So I’ll see you again very soon, Mylène.”

If guns existed in this world, I would have thought I heard a gunshot. Azef had incredible sex appeal.

He went up the stairs and followed the servants, who directed him to his room. The others returned to go about their business, while Gabrielle was still inclined to doubt Mylène's good health. She was also in a bad mood at Frederik's desolate, almost pleading look in front of Mylène. She didn't want to fight anymore for now; she was just going to watch and find a way to turn things in her favor.

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