Damn luck

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Mylène came out, and Frederik felt like he had been submerged in a basin of cold water.
Mylène had, even if it was in a roundabout way, confessed to feeling something for him, but he had undoubtedly disrespected her by behaving as he had just done. He was afraid that she would turn her back on him and do as she told him she had done this morning. Wanting to deny the feelings she has for him, she decided to meet the second prince.

What if she decided to turn away from him because of his lack of responsiveness? What if she decides not to agree to see him in private anymore? No, he had to do something; otherwise, it would be the end of this love that consumes him and drives him crazy.

Gabrielle wondered when the poison would take effect. Mylène had drunk this poison in large quantities, but after more than five minutes, for an immediate poison, it was rather slow. Would the woman have fooled her?

She had to be clear about it, but for now, she had to take advantage of this unique opportunity given to her to be alone with Frederik.

Unless he behaves like a cad and a rude person, she is sure that Frederik will stay with her; conversely, that will prove sufficiently that he is interested in her sister. If he doesn't want such rumors spreading about him, those of an immoral man who lusts after his fiancee's sister, he will stay with her, keeping her company for at least an hour, which is more than enough for her.

"Lord Frederik?" She called him, but he seemed elsewhere.

Frederik was still looking at the door in front of him, which had just closed. He closed his eyes as he listened to Gabrielle's voice, almost clenching his jaw in an attempt to calm himself down, or he was going to walk away from there rudely.

He had to curb the impulses of his heart, which were crying out to him to run after Mylène. In doing so, he had to put up with Gabrielle's presence, at least for about twenty minutes. After this short time, he was going to fake an urgent appointment and go find Mylène to give her the brooch he bought her two days ago.

"Yes, Lady Gabrielle?" He answered in a monotone voice. Gabrielle flinched at this coldness but didn't retract.

"Is your tea to your liking?"

"Yes, thanks."

Gabrielle lowered her head. He made no effort.
They remained silent for a moment, then Gabrielle, finding that the atmosphere was becoming a little too heavy, decided to break the silence again.

"This greenhouse is beautiful, isn't it?"

Frederik was staring into space as he stared at his cup of tea on the table.

"Yes, it's true." He answered without much attention. To be honest, he didn't even try to look around. But Gabrielle just evaded. She didn't want any tension between them, despite Frederik's blatant contempt for her.

"Do you know that when my mother came to this house, this place was not so bright and beautiful?" She looked up at Frederik, but he seemed bored like a dead rat. She gritted her teeth, however, continuing her story.
"You see the former duchess, Mylène's mother, had quite particular tastes. Just like her daughter, who has a certain passion for dark clothes. Her mother was also a crow on legs; you must have noticed it on the paintings of her in the mansion."

Frederik looked up at Gabrielle with a rather bemused look. Is she spitting on Mylène? Gabrielle, however, continued

"The former duchess always wore dark and gloomy dresses and never combed her flamboyant hair; the only thing that could be recognized in her was her immense beauty, which therefore compensated for her dark and gloomy appearance. My brothers told me they didn't know her much because of Mylène, who killed her when she was born, but according to the rumors, she was both breathtakingly beautiful and sweet and kind, even if her taste in decoration left much to be desired.

Frederik had put his hand on his cheek and was looking at the greenhouse without listening to the rantings of Gabrielle, who hadn't stopped talking despite his lack of attention and interest. He already wanted to leave.

"Before in this greenhouse, we grew black and red roses, not to mention that there were brambles everywhere. It was scary to get there, but the worst thing was the animals that the former Duchess raised in this same greenhouse. Do you want me to tell you which ones, Sir Frederik?"

Frederik seemed to hear his name being called and just growled in response.

“Crows and cats... Do you see anyone raising these horrible beasts? Between the cries of the crows during the day and the cries of the cats at night, I wonder how the inhabitants of this mansion lived. It was so sinister, perhaps just because of her beauty, but still, thanks to my mother, this place is revived and is more colorful."

Frederik sighed What was the meaning of all this again? Why did he have to stand there and put up with so much nonsense? Was it this kind of boring marriage that he was going to choose by letting Mylène get away from him? It would be hell to have to marry Gabrielle and live with her daily; he would certainly become mad with boredom and anger.

He suddenly stood up under the amazed gaze of Gabrielle. He'd been tortured enough by standing there listening to a girl who didn't say anything interesting; to hell with good manners, he was fed up.

'Lord Frederick?'

"I have to go; I forgot I had urgent business to take care of."


"So I'll see you soon if we get the chance, Lady Gabrielle."

He greeted her courteously without touching her and left without looking back, leaving Gabrielle torn between the need to follow him to understand what happened to her and the desire to throw this table and all the cutlery on the floor and scream in frustration.

Why didn't everything she had planned for today come true? Is Mylène already dead? No, she's stupid; otherwise, the mansion would be in turmoil. Nothing happened, which means that the saleswoman played a trick on her and that she was abused. Damn, why was Mylène so lucky?

It wouldn't happen that way; she was going to find that cursed saleswoman and make her pay for her audacity and her treachery.

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