Mylène's past: marriage.

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Mylène had her face lowered under the mocking snickers of the other people in the office, she knew that she had just condemned herself to a loveless marriage.  However, she also thought it would be a great way to see if the grass is greener elsewhere.
  Who knows?  Her husband would show her a little attention and love and her nightmare life in the Hosten home would become only a distant memory.  She wants to believe that life gives her a chance to be happy, and even if it is in unfortunate circumstances, she will seize this opportunity to create her own happiness.
She sighed, looking back at her father who still had his back to her .  He didn't respond or comment on her response, he just called a messenger bird before writing a note and tying it to it leg.

“Go and take this to Count Solsten.”

The bird flew away and then the duke came and sat down at his desk, with a cold face, taking out documents to start writing.

"You can dispose."

He said in his monotonous and regular voice, he had never changed his way of speaking, neither angry nor happy, he was like an automaton who only did what had to be done without unnecessary gestures.

Everyone obeyed, finding themselves in the corridor while Mylène advanced in front with her head still lowered.

“I thought I heard from my fiancé Frederik De Solsten that his father was quite a special man...”

Gabrielle shouted, throwing a look full of mischief at Mylène who had moved away from them a little.  But Gabrielle had spoken loud enough for Mylène to hear what she was saying.  And as it concerned the man who would inevitably become her husband, Mylène's attention had been captured especially since Gabrielle had not failed to rub salt in the wound: to remind her that she was the fiancée of the  man she loves and that unfortunately she will only be satisfied with the father of her love.  Mylène tightened her dress, nevertheless stopping to understand what her half-sister was getting at.  Even if she is sure it will be vicious.

“He told me that his father likes to bring back young, innocent girls 30 years younger than him and that he locks them in his room.  The servants only hear the cries and supplications of these girls...what is happening in this room, no one knows but rare are the times when the young girls come out entirely if they do.”
Gabrielle finished her sentence with a sick smile, a vicious glint in her eyes as she implied that Mylène's marriage would not be as idyllic as she would like to believe.
Perhaps Gabrielle felt that despite her reluctance, Mylène still had a little hope and she had to destroy that.  There was no question for Gabrielle that Mylène could be happy even for a few seconds.
Mylène contracted... what do you mean if they even come out?  What did Gabrielle mean by that?
Does this mean that the count had rather particular inclinations?

“No matter the rumors about him, he asked to marry Mylène, we will give him what he wants.  In any case, she is of no use in this house…”

Edward intervenes, attracting the agreement of the other three.

“I was just talking about it, you know brother.  I wouldn't want my big sister to be caught off guard.  If these are just rumors then great but if it turns out to be true, I would like my sister to be psychologically prepared”

“I know Gabrielle, you are a good girl.  Always so considerate and generous with everyone, even those who don’t deserve it.”

Mylène clenched her jaw at the parody that was playing out in front of her, considerate and generous?  What are we laughing at?

She did it by vice because it amuses her to see her hurt and sad.

No, Mylène didn't want to believe that Frederik said such horrible things, especially if it was his own father, Gabrielle just wanted to scare her, that's all.

She would have a marriage with the count and she would know how to love and cherish him.

A week later, the wedding took place and for the first time in her life, Mylène could wear a new dress and eat her fill.  Even if in the end she had to control herself because her father was there and even if it was the last time they would see each other, she had to not shame him as he had expressly asked her before the start of the ceremony.

Count Solsten, a fairly handsome man in his forties, Frederik was quite similar to him, especially in terms of stature.

He didn't say anything and just watched the people dancing around him, he only spoke with her father for a moment and that was when the latter had to excuse himself to come home claiming he wasn't feeling well.

Her father had returned without a last glance at her and it had been like this until the end of her life.

Mylène sometimes watched Frederik who was dancing in the room but the latter was too obsessed with Gabrielle to look at her.

“Let’s go to my room, our wedding night will not be spent in this banquet hall.”

Mylène reacted to her husband's cold voice and felt herself trembling at the lack of emotion it gave off.

Then reality suddenly hit her, their wedding night.  She was afraid now, she didn't know how to react and knew that if she was bad, the count would not hesitate to repudiate her and she already knew her hell if she returned to the Hosten home...
Her father had ordered her not to shame him and a repudiation was the worst shame, especially considering that the marriage only lasted for one night.

Cold and dejected, she stood up with her head bowed to follow the count who walked in front of her without doubting while she, behind, felt her heart twist painfully in her chest.  At that moment, her sweaty hands were slipping every time she put her fingers together, she was scared to death but she had to be strong and bear it otherwise she would get yelled was that or go home so no  choice.

They walked for a long time in the dark corridors of the house without any of them saying anything, silence reigned, only the sounds of footsteps could be heard.

Mylene stopped as the Count stopped and followed his movements as he opened the door to his room and stepped aside so she could enter.
The moment had finally arrived for her to leave her status as a girl to embrace that of a woman, she hoped that this open door was also one for a better life alongside this man with a cold and distant face.

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