0.0 - you'll make a fine hero

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Izuku Midoriya had successfully saved at least one person while quirkless.

It had been during his last year of middle school when he was training for the U.A. Entrace Exams. He'd been jogging on the beach, his body as heavy as lead as he sprinted through the sinking sand.

Izuku had been completely focused on manoeuvring around the variety of trash that littered the beach and was determined to jog more laps than he'd done the day before.

However, at some point, he'd caught sight of a girl around his age sitting on top of a towering pile of old tires. He'd initially spotted her because of how out of place she appeared; she was a bit too pretty to be in such a desolate environment.

Her beautiful ringlets of brunette hair were tied loosely with a satin, lilac ribbon, her long strands dancing out of her face due to the harsh winds coming from the shore. She was hunched over a sketchbook, pencil scribbling erratically onto the page as she seemingly ignored the chilly wind that froze her pale features or the sand below that stung her bare legs.

She was so focused on sketching the wasteland-like beach that she forgot what she was perched upon.

So, when she'd leaned back to get a better view of the beach, she let out an involuntary noise as she fell from the tires. Izuku, who'd just passed her, sprinted hurriedly through the sand before diving below her.

The girl landed with her back to his chest, Izuku letting out a grunt when the back of her head collided with his chin.

Slightly winded, they both laid on the sand for a moment before she quickly rolled off him, eyes wildly darting around his body to check for any injuries.

"A...Are you okay? Did I crush your ribs? I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, scrambling onto her knees to bow.

He stared at her for a moment, hypnotised by her lavender eyes that watered at the sight of him. Her perfectly shaped lips parted, her breathing heavy as panicked surged through her veins.

Izuku slowly sat up, laughing nervously at her.

"N...No, I'm alright!" He cringed at the way his voice slightly broke. Puberty was a bitch. "If anything, are you okay?"

She nodded frantically, "of course I'm fine! Thanks to you."

He sighed in relief, falling back against the sand as laughter escaped his lips. She would've been worried about the way he collapsed if he hadn't burst out into the cutest laugh she'd ever heard in her life.

"Are you laughing at me?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes at him.

"No, no, no, I'm just relieved." He quickly responded, redness spreading through his sun kissed face. "What were you even doing up there?"

She held back the urge to gape at him as the tips of his curly, sage hair glowed against the warm streams of fading sunlight behind him. He had a dorky smile on his face, one that was almost shy and nervous. She wasn't sure if it was the light of the setting sun, but his freckles seemed to kiss his tanned skin in a way that made him appear admittingly handsome.

"I...I was sketching the beach... there are a lot of subjects to draw with all this rubbish..." she stammered after a while, shuffling to sit closer to him. "I find it admirable that you're cleaning this beach – I've lived here since forever and haven't seen anyone try to clean it. It must be hard."

The boy shook his head shyly, "It's not an admirable thing to do. I'm doing it as a training exercise."

"Training?" She questioned curiously.

He nodded, "I'm training for U.A.'s entrance exam."

She made a noise of interest, "that's pretty cool. I...I'm also applying for the U.A.'s Entrance Exam. But, from the way you ran in and caught me so quickly, I think you'll make a fine hero."

Izuku was momentarily taken off guard by her sweet words. He didn't even have his quirk just yet and this random girl had called him a 'hero'. To be honest, he can't recall a moment he'd ever talked to a girl in the first place, so for one to call him a hero, it made him feel slightly shy.

His heart felt full, the boy silently staring at her in awe.

"Oh, how rude of me." She held out a hand to him. "I'm Yui."

The boy glanced at her hand briefly before hesitantly shaking it.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you, Yui." His eyes connected with hers. "Let's be friends?"

Her immediate silence caught him off guard.

Oh. He forgot he was just some quirkless, shy kid wanting to be a hero. Just some hero wannabe who was bullied at his middle school.

"I would love to be friends, Izuku."

His eyes widened as both her hands held his, a bright smile decorating her face.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

a/n: hello my loves! 


Hopefully this book exceeds your expectations! I worked very hard on mapping out the plot this time around and this book is extremely well thought out! 

Just a small warning that this book is a little bit graphic, very angsty and most likely be pretty sad, confusing and dark throughout the entire book (you'll figure it out slowly in time).

Anywho! Enjoy, my darlings, thank you for your support as per usual <3

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