0.1 - let's work hard

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Yui Fujimura.

She was notorious for being the sweetheart of Musutafu due to her gentle and kind service at Fujimura's Flowers, Musutafu's well-known florist.

Fujimura Flowers was a special business despite being so quaint. The florist was known for providing any type of flower all year long – a rare feat for any florist. This was due to Yui's ability to make flowers which seemed to be a Fujimura Clan quirk that always manifested in children of Fujimura blood.

However, the Fujimuras were an unlucky bunch. Yui Fujimura was the only remaining member, excluding her mother who had married into the family and, hence, didn't have the infamous flower-making quirk.

That left Yui to run the production part of the business by herself. Which wasn't a problem, but it meant she worked long hours making orders during the time she wasn't at school.

The brunette rested her chin on her upturned hand, her elbows balancing on the wooden counter where she stood.

On the counter were two thermos of flower tea that she made a sheen of sweat layered on her forehead. She closed the lids as her mother tended to the customers in the small florist.

Her mind had been occupied by the handsome boy she'd met at Takoba Municipal Beach Park who'd saved her a few months ago. Admittingly, she was perfectly capable of rescuing herself on a normal basis, but she'd been so caught off guard and relaxed that she hadn't even thought to save herself.

Ever since, the two had been close friends and she tried her best to support his training, or even join in at times, at least three times a week in the afternoon and evenings.

Seeing as the florist was near closing, Yui took off her forest green apron before shoving the thermos into a bag and circling around the counter.

"Mum, I'll be back for dinner!" She exclaimed, Masami Fujimura staring at her daughter in disbelief.

"You're going out this late?" Masami questioned, crossing her arms.

Yui nodded, "I'll text you when I'm on my way home!"

Masami sighed softly, a grin on her face. "Say hello to Izuku for me at least!"

Yui grabbed her bike helmet from the wall hooks, "I will!"

The front door's welcoming bell rang out as she shoved open the door, waving to her mother haphazardly before she hopped on her bike.

Masami leaned her chin on the broom in her hands, glancing at a photograph of her late husband that was displayed on a nearby table.

"What am I going to do with her, Akihito?" She asked in amusement. 

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Izuku breathed heavily, hands on his thighs as he admired his hard work for the day. It had been a couple of months since he'd started cleaning the beach and now he was finally over halfway finished.

The deflated All Might patted him on the back, the sweaty boy looking down at his favourite hero with a tired smile.

The two stood on the pathway leading to the beach, simply staring at the clear sand.

"Young Midoriya, your progress is astounding!" He complimented, also admiring the half clean beach before them. "You're getting stronger by the day, I'm sure it'll take you even less time to clean the rest of the beach up!"

Izuku laughed, "hopefully!"

The two were about to call it a night until a bike bell rang out, causing the two to turn around. Izuku's face lit up as he saw his best friend skid her pink bike to a stop, jogging to meet her as All Might followed from behind.

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