2.3 - you're love-sick

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She turned to the entrance of the hospital in surprise, eyes widening as Kamui Woods bolted towards her.

She sat besides Aizawa in the waiting room of a hospital, innocently staring as the pro-hero enveloped her into a tight hug. She'd just arrived at the hospital with her injured classmates, Aizawa bringing her along to get her breathing checked since she'd overused her quirk a couple of times.

But, she'd been as completely alright – as ''alright' as she could be.

"Uncle Shinji," she sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist carefully.

"You're fine, right?" He worriedly asked, pulling away and kneeling in front of her where she sat.

"I'm with Mr Aizawa, so I'm okay." She reassured him, noticing how his figure completely relaxed seeing her completely unharmed.

Kamui Woods sighed as he hung his head down where he knelt, Yui pouting softly at his worried state.

"Uncle Shinji, Aizawa wouldn't let me get hurt on his watch, it's okay." She gently responded. "Were you really that worried?"

He whipped his head up, slapping the back of her head lightly. She yelped, slapping his arm back.

"Of course I am! I have to make sure you'll be okay, kid." He retorted, looking over at Aizawa who was watching them with a smug smile. "Hey! Why did you leave her, huh?!"

Aizawa crossed his arms, making a 'tsk' sound.

"Is that how you talk to someone older than you?" He told off before glancing at Yui. "Besides, she's okay. If she pushed herself farther, Masami would've found out about her breathing problems. Luckily, she's fine."

Yui frowned slightly, fidgeting with her fingers.

She hated hiding things from her mother, Masami had always done what was best for her and not telling her felt like a crime. But, Yui couldn't just tell her mother she was going to let Hanahaki kill her. Neither could she simultaneously tell her that Masami possibly killed her own husband without evidence. It would break her heart.

"Alright, I'll take her home then." Kamui Woods said, standing up now.

Yui worriedly glanced at Aizawa who sighed.

"Look, I know you're worried about Midoriya, but Recovery Girl is coming in soon." Aizawa began, placing his hand on her head. "Just go home and rest up. You can take the train to Kamino when you're rested and visit him, okay?"

"What about Bakugou?" Yui whispered, frowning deeply. "He... he looked after me so that I didn't have to use my quirk that much, yet when he got captured, I didn't even realise."

"Fujimura, just rest." Aizawa softly smiled. "Don't feel responsible, you would've died if you faced them, we wouldn't want that. So, let the heroes deal with it."

Yui nodded, Aizawa ruffling her hair one last time before she left the hospital with Kaumi Woods.

As the story had goes, Bakugou had been successfully kidnapped by the League of Villains despite their attempt to get him and Tokoyami back as a group. They'd gotten Tokoyami back, but not Bakugou.

She'd witnessed as he'd been warped away, a terrifying memory that was etched into her mind.

"Yui, is this Midoriya kid the guy you love?" Kamui Woods questioned.

The two of them were in his car, Yui in the passenger seat staring out the window. Lost in her own thoughts.

"Yeah, he is." Yui whispered before her eyebrows furrowed. "Uncle Shinji?"

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