1.1 - dandelion

339 25 83

tw!: vomiting, cursing.

Yui and Bakugou were unwillingly in the same room together, both in their hero costumes as they set up for the battle trial against Uraraka and Izuku. 

She ignored as he silently seethed, tapping the paper mache bomb with her finger as he stared uselessly at the door.

They'd, unfortunately, been paired for their first ever in-class battle.   

Their classmates watched from the surveillance room, slightly amused to see the contrast between the duo's hero costumes.

Bakugou's costume was a vibrant black, green and orange, replicating the appearance of a grenade. Meanwhile, Yui wore a white kimono with intricate wisterias patterned all over the fabric, the obi being purple silk. Her hair was left down, two braids on the side of her head with her usual ribbon tied at the back.

They were the spitting image of their quirks.

"What's the plan?" Yui reluctantly asked.

Bakugou scoffed, "they're easy: just deal with Round Face."

She rolled her eyes, leaning down to the bottom of her kimono where two ribbons were tied, undoing them before she elegantly tied them together to hold her long skirt up to her knees.

"Whatever," she murmured before she heard All Might announce the start of the combat training. "Alright, go fuck off and find your precious Deku."

Bakugou growled, stomping out the door. He pointed a gloved finger to her, glaring at her.

"You better protect that shit with your life. If we fail, I'll kill you."

Yui ushered him off, "sure, sure. I hope Izuku beats you up."

Bakugou made a noise of disgust, leaving her behind.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Hey Dandelion, where are you?" Yui spoke tauntingly into the earpiece, mostly because she was bored out of her mind. "I heard an explosion."

"Just shut up and defend, Loser." Yui cringed. "I'm really angry now."

"Ew, your voice sounds even more disgusting through the earpiece." She retorted, hanging up on him.

Yui spun around in a circle, her hands behind her back as she boredly circled the bomb. She played with the tape All Might gave to them to 'capture' their opponents, deciding to make use of her time.

She made a long stem of baby's breath purely due to the thinness of the stem, making it out of steel before she taped it horizontally in the doorway like a tripwire.

Knowing Uraraka, she couldn't control where she floats when using her quirk, so she'd probably have to walk into the room first to sneak in. Hence, tripping her may give Yui a leg up and time to disarm her.

Yui flinched as another explosion came from below, shaking the walls and floor. She could only wonder what was going on downstairs, especially since she could hear Bakugou screaming like a maniac.

She turned her back to the door, hands on her waist as she zoned out. She was beyond bored.

Yui was tempted to leave her post until she heard a loud squeal come from behind her.

Whipping her head around, she spotted Uraraka falling before she quickly used her quirk. Yui smirked, creating a vine with her hands and wrapping it around Uraraka's waist. She screamed as it hooked over her waist, Yui diving underneath her to tie a loose loop.

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