0.2 - petunias, yui?

428 30 34

"Yui, for the millionth time: you are not applying for U.A."

A purple petunia bloomed directly on top of Yui's head, the girl feeling it in her scalp. She quickly picked it and disintegrated it in her palm, hiding it from her mother as she turned to face her daughter.

The two were minding the store, Yui still in her middle school uniform as she held a career's form that her homeroom teacher had asked her to fill out.

Masami had known for the longest time that Yui wanted to go to U.A. High School. She never knew the true reason why.

Yui had inherited the Fujimura Family's quirk; the ability to create any flower or any size. However, she'd also inherited aspects of Masami's metal-manipulation quirk where she could control and make metal. Hence Yui's could produce flowers with varying steel attributes, a rare trait that Fujimura blooded children rare posessed.

So Yui's quirk was known as Iron Blossoms, a powerful and dangerous flower quirk.

"Mum, my health hasn't acted up since I was five." Yui reassured, "Plus, I join Izuku's training sometimes and I'm completely fine!"

Masami shook her head in disapproval, "we've talked about this: I don't care that your health hasn't acted up since. Your health will always be delicate."

Yui crossed her arms in annoyance, watching as her mother approached her.

She couldn't recall much about her childhood due to her health issues when she was five. All she remembered was finding out one day that her father passed away when she was four, and how she'd been hospitalised for a year when she was five due to the manifestation of her quirk.

Her mother refused to retell the series of events that had occurred in those three years because they were painful years for the single mother. So, Yui tried not to ask questions about her past, but at times like these, it grew all the more tempting.

Yui watched as Masami leaned over the counter, plucking a petunia from her daughter's scalp, disposing of it in a nearby bin.

"Petunias, Yui?" Masami asked in disbelief. "You knew this was coming, you can't be mad."

The girl sighed. Sometimes she wished her mother wasn't well versed in flower language.

"I know... but I want to do something worthwhile." Yui made small daisies grow between the crevices of the cracked, wooden counter. "I love this flower shop, but I know I was meant to do more than make flowers."

Masami smiled softly, grabbing her daughter's face.

Yui looked up at Masami, making the older woman's heart ache as she coyly smiled back. Yui has the same trademark Fujimura purple eyes and crooked smile her husband had. Sometimes she believed that if Yui shone her that sweetheart smile, Masami could be swayed to agree to anything.

Including this.

"I'll let you go to U.A." Yui contained her excitement as Masami stroked her cheeks gently. "But just know that making flowers is a beautiful gift, don't ever forget that."

Yui knew that better than anyone else. 

From what she could recall, her earliest memory had been her three year old self sitting on top of the very counter she leaned on. She'd been watching her father make vibrant, hot pink primroses , his delicate fingers running across the petals as they magically manifested under the dim light of the florist.

He'd been describing what primroses meant, Yui thinking they were being made for a customer. However, her heart dropped as her father handed her the flowers, an adorable grin on his face as he ruffled her curls.

That day, she realised something fundamental about the Fujimuras' quirk.

Making flowers is a beautiful art in itself. But the Fujimuras utilised their wonderful gift to help people express their feelings for the people they love. That is what makes her job so special despite how trivial and unremarkable some people may see it as.

"Thank you, Mum." Yui gently pulled Masami into a hug, snuggling her face into her mother's neck.

Masami gently stroked Yui's back, basking in her naturally floral scent.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Mr Yagi! Please! Have mercy!"

Izuku sat on the singular tire Yui usually sat on when she watched him train, trading places with her as he watched her train with All Might.

She had vines wrapped around an old fridge that All Might's wimpy figure sat on top of.

She'd been the one to ask to try Izuku's training regime, minus the actual weight he usually carried. And the poor girl had instantly regretted asking to try such a feat.

"Pull it one more lap of the beach and I'll think about it." All Might teased, Izuku erupting into loud laughter.

"Give her a break!" Izuku called, tears in his eyes.

"Argh, fine." All Might faked disappointment, watching as Yui cheered loudly.

The vines wrapped around her hands disintegrated instantly and she sighed in relief. She proceeded to fall flat on her face, orange poppies blooming in the sand where she laid to cushion her fall. Izuku, walking over, sat amongst the poppies as All Might carefully climbed down the fridge.

"You didn't do too bad for someone without a strength-based quirk." All Might complemented.

Yui raised her head from the poppies, pointing an accusing finger at All Might.

"Then why did you push me so hard?!" She complained, sweat dripping down her face.

"I see your potential, that's why." Yui pouted, leaning on her hands tiredly. "You have a good chance at passing your entrance exam with your quirk alone, Young Fujimura. But physical strength will aid you tremendously."

Izuku smiled softly at Yui as she sighed, rolling onto her back to catch her breath. If only she knew she was talking to the Number One Hero himself, she would've believed him.

"Your quirk is crazy strong, Izuku." Yui commented, catching the said boy's attention. "I don't think any amount of weight training could make me carry a fridge."

Izuku sometimes wondered what Yui thought his quirk actually was. He'd never explicitly made some sort of lie up.

All Might, spotting Izuku's troubled expression, sighed softly from afar.

He could tell that Izuku and Yui were good friends. Even if he wasn't the one hiding the secret, All Might was hiding his own secret from the kind girl and even he felt awful for lying to the young girl. 

He could only imagine how Izuku felt.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui's Plethora of Flower Knowledge:

Petunia (purple): anger and resentment.

Daisies: innocence, joy and purity. 

Primroses (pink): eternal love. 

Poppies (orange): sleepiness. Often known as a tranquilliser as seen in The Wizard of Oz. 

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