2.0 - his gorgeous, freckled smile

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All Might didn't like how quiet the team had gotten. He couldn't quite find them anywhere either, which was all the more worrying.

He wondered if he'd been a bit too harsh on his students, especially Yui who wasn't particularly as competitive as Midoriya and Bakugou. She seemed to fight for survival more than anything.

Just when he'd thought they'd possibly escaped without his knowledge, a cherry blossom petal suddenly floated down from above him. He held out a hand, catching the delicate petal in his palm.

Looking up at the sky, his eyes widened as a pile of petals plummeted down, swirling around his body and finely cutting at his skin.

"Now!" Yui's voice rang out before a loud explosion echoed from behind All Might.

He turned around, catching Bakugou's wrist just in time.

From above where she stood on a balcony, Yui swept all of her petals to cut at All Might's arms, All Might being forced to let go of Bakugou.

"Deku!" Bakugou shouted, launching himself into the air.

Izuku, who wore one of Bakugou's gauntlets, unleashed one of the explosions and momentarily stunned the pro-hero.

"Get Petals and run, Idiot!" Bakugou shouted, blasting off towards the exit.

Izuku promptly nodded, using his quirk to launch himself to Yui who he swept into his arms.

"I'll keep him distracted!" Yui rested half her torso on Izuku's shoulder as he sprinted.

She concentrated on swirling the pink petals around All Might until they'd gotten too far for her to see her petals anymore.

However, she definitely overestimated their distraction as she saw All Might suddenly appear in between Izuku and Bakugou. He punched at the gauntlets they were wearing before promptly punching Bakugou into a nearby building.

Izuku placed Yui down, about to sprint towards All Might while Bakugou flew back towards them. Sensing what All Might was going to do, she grabbed Izuku's wrist before he could even attempt to land a hit on All Might, pulling him towards her only for All Might to throw both of them at the incoming blond.

Due to how unprepared she was for such an attack, she could only manage to make a bed of wisterias to soften the impact of her chest against the ground. She coughed out a few more wisterias from her mouth, wiping the blood on her lips.

She proceeded to watch as All Might threw Izuku at her, managing to sprout a large daisy from the dirt to catch him. Meanwhile, Bakugou was stuck under the weight of All Might's boot as he taunted the two boys.

It wasn't long until a massive explosion erupted from where Bakugou and All Might were, Bakugou launching himself towards her and Izuku before he forced them to stand up.

"I'm gonna send you flying!" Bakugou said, grabbing Izuku by the collar.

Meanwhile, Yui manifested a large flower shuriken, using her whole body to throw it towards All Might before she was grabbed by the back of her kimono.

Bakugou forced Izuku to hold her, before ditching them both with his explosions into the air.

They both screamed, Yui feeling faint as they swirled into the sky before they began plummeting towards the gate.


Yui, who was facing the other way, held out her hand as she saw All Might send her shuriken back at them with a deadly velocity, quickly disintegrating her flower into smaller, soft petals that whipped at their faces.

That didn't stop All Might from body slamming them, Yui falling to the concrete while Izuku hit a truck.

Bakugou continuously launched explosions at All Might while Izuku barely walked, Yui slightly dizzy from how hard she hit her head. Despite it all, she raced towards Izuku and began sprinting with him towards the exit.

However, he suddenly escaped her arms, running towards Bakugou who was beaten to the concrete by All Might.

"Izuku!" She yelled out, as her eyes widened.

His body was engulfed by his quirk as he crazily smashed All Might in the face.

Her heart tightened at the sight, the girl flinching as she clutched the front of her top.

"Shit!" She swore, blooming a flower underneath Bakugou before closing the petals around his injured body despite the heaviness in her chest.

She forced the flower to follow after her, sprinting with Izuku towards the gate.

She hadn't much but the way her vision blurred and how her body swayed when she passed the finish line.

"Yui! We did it!" Izuku yelled, grabbing her into a tight hug.

He pulled away from her, sending her a bright smile.

She smiled back at him, admiring his cute smile.

Would it be so bad to die for him if it meant she could see such a smile for the rest of her life?

She'd concluded that surgery wasn't an option. She couldn't forget his gorgeous, freckled smile that captured her heart the day she first met him.

His smile suddenly faded as she promptly passed out in his arms, a peaceful smile on her face.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Bakugou was the last of his team to awake due to how he'd overused his quirk without his gauntlets – that were now destroyed thanks to All Might.

He hadn't awoken on his own accord, but instead the sound of dry heaving that had interrupted his well-deserved sleep.

He groaned, rolling over in the hospital bed in Recovery Girl's office. His eyes slowly opened, blinking as he adjusted his eyes to the light of the setting sun that peeked through the window behind him.

Bakugou's eyes zeroed in on a trail of wisteria petals on the wooden floors that led into the bathroom before him, the door ajar where he could just about make out a figure. It was Yui who sat on the cold tiles right in front of the toilet.

He watched as she hurled into the toilet bowl, her bruised fingers trembling. Despite her long hair blocking his vision of her face, he didn't miss the way the wisteria petals spewed from her dry lips. 

"What the fuck is that?" he swore as he slowly sat up in the bed.

Hearing his rough voice, Yui whipped her head to Bakugou.

Seeing her pallid face and the blood that leaked from her lips, he felt an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui's Plethora of Flower Knowledge:

cherry blossoms: renewal, the fleeting nature of life, beauty.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

a/n: ahaha jump scare.

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