3.3 - your heart's job not your mind's (uraraka's p.o.v.)

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Uraraka screamed as she spotted Bakugou leaning against the kitchen cupboards.

She'd gone downstairs at three in the morning, unable to sleep after the events that had happened yesterday afternoon.

Bakugou's on-guard stance loosened as he realised it was just Uraraka, the explosions popping in his hands simmering.

"What the fuck?!" Bakugou hissed, "what're you doing here, Round Face?!"

Uraraka placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart as she entered the kitchen properly. Her lips parted to respond until she ogled at him.

His face was slightly puffy; eyes bloodshot and nose dry. Bakugou's cheek was bandaged, a few bruises littering his skin. His voice had been nasally too, a clear sign that he'd been crying.

"Are you crying?" She questioned, lingering in the doorway as if getting ready to sprint away.

He whipped his head to the side, wiping his nose with his arm.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not. Why would I do weak shit like that?" He spat, more tears brimming his eyes. "Ah fuck, you're the worst."

Uraraka froze in the doorway as he silently cried.

She had no idea what to do. She wasn't even sure this was actually happening; was this some sort of strange dream she was having and she had actually just fallen asleep?

She pinched herself discreetly.

Nope, this was actually happening.

Uraraka hesitantly stepped towards the fridge, stopping herself from walking too close to Bakugou. How was she even supposed to approach this situation? She wanted to help, of course, but this was Bakugou; the boy who never showed an ounce of vulnerability to anyone.

"Bakugou..." she called carefully, "I'm making a snack... Do you want one?"

She swallowed dryly as he angrily blinked away his tears.

"What are you making?" His tone was low and crackly.

Uraraka opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of milk, leaning behind Bakugou and grabbing a box from the cabinet.


He chuckled lowly, "fine, hit me up."

She let out a small laugh, grabbing two bowls and spoons from another cabinet before she began to pour the dry cereal.

Bakugou pulled his body to sit on the counter, his eyes downcast.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Uraraka almost whispered, now pouring milk into their bowels.

He stared at her for a moment as if silently contemplating something before he sighed softly.

"I fucked up," he confessed in a low voice, Uraraka's eyebrow raising. "I could've really hurt someone."

As if Uraraka couldn't have been even more taken aback by the entire situation, Bakugou had miraculously achieved such a feat.

Sure, Bakugou wasn't a bad person; of course he would feel bad for hurting someone. But to admit to caring for someone other than himself and that he'd made a mistake? That was rare.

She sat on the counter beside him, passing him a bowel. Her legs were hanging off the side of the granite, the cool countertop felt nice against her burning hot skin from the summer night.

"Really hurt who?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head.

"Yui." Her eyes widened as his voice cracked. "I'm so stupid."

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