3.1 - right here is perfect

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Yui stood in her hero costume, her hands on her waist as she watched her classmates test out their 'ultimate moves' in preparation for the Hero Licence Exams.

She'd already decided what her ultimate moves would be; the Dance of the Wisteria Petals and Petal Shuriken Mirage. The Dance of the Wistera Petals was a Fujimura Family technique passed down through generations in which she creates a diversion with a mixture of normal petals and steel petals that 'dance' around the opponent to catch them off guard or hinder them. She'd used it on All Might and Bakugou on the past, and had decided to make it one of her main moves.

Meanwhile, her Petal Shuriken Mirage was a large steel flower that could be used as a shuriken, except the petals detached from the pistil of the flower to hit multiple opponents or to harm an opponent from different angles.

They were pretty great moves, so she decided to take a break, satisfied with her progress. 

"Young Fujimura," she turned to her right side where the shrivelled up All Might had walked to her side.

"Mr Yagi," Yui greeted, folding her arms to her chest.

"I hope you're feeling better; I heard you were in hospital on-and-off for the last few months." All Might responded amiably, Yui glancing at his broken arm.

Yui couldn't lie; she held a slight resentment towards All Might.

She was not the type to hold grudges, all they did was make her feel distasteful for holding onto such negative feelings towards others. But after not only getting brutally beaten up by All Might during her exams, but also taking into account all of their unfavourable history back when she first became friends with Izuku, holding such a grudge was understandable.

But seeing him in his sunken form in front of everyone now after protecting Bakugou and the group of classmates that had rescued him, she tried not to let her bitterness shine through.

"I'm doing well," she responded. "Congratulations on your retirement. I watched you defeat One For All when I was on bedrest... it was pretty impressive."

All Might exhaled before looking down at the young teenager, noticing her concentrated expression as she watched a few of her classmates practise their ultimate moves.

"Fujimura, I need you to understand something important: no one else but Young Midoriya can be my successor. He has the drive and the determination. That's why I chose him." Yui sighed softly. "I know you care for him. As I said back then when I first told you about my secret; you are a positive influence on him – quite possibly a better influence on him than I am. But, you have to understand that this is his responsibility."

Yui chuckled softly.

"I'm not his parent, I'm not going to stop him or something." She remarked. "I was just angry at you and Izuku back then. It was his choice to inherit your quirk and it's an honourable and difficult thing to do to succeed you."

"I'm glad you understand now."

"I do, but I wish he didn't have to do it alone." All Might turned to her curiously. "I've seen the pressure and the fear in his eyes every time he saw you risk your life for all of us. And now that it's time for him to step up since you've retired, I only worry that he'll collapse under the pressure: not because he's weak, he's far from it, but because it's simply too much for anyone to handle."

All Might softly smiled. He knew he'd chosen the right person to entrust such a secret to after hearing how much she cared for him.

"Fujimura, I—"

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