1.0 - a force to be reckoned with

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"Fujimura! Do you want to sit with me at lunch today?"

Yui turned to her seatmate on her right, smiling softly at Uraraka.

"I might pass," Yui responded, waving at the kind girl. "You go ahead. We can sit together another time."

Uraraka nodded blissfully, grabbing her lunch before meeting with some of their classmates.

Yui quite liked Uraraka. She wasn't used to having any female friends since she mainly kept to herself during middle school due to all the responsibilities she had at home and at the florist. The closest she had to a female friend was her mother, so it was nice talking to someone her age for once.

But Yui, having had an exhausting morning with the quirk apprehension test, needed time to herself.

She stood up from her desk, grabbing her sketchbook and pencil before making her way out of the stuffy classroom. She wanted to take time to herself to explore the campus; it was an opportunity for her to draw a new landscape, and she'd heard that U.A. had beautiful gardens to sketch.

After wandering around the halls for a bit, she finally came across one of the gardens – one that was stationed near Recovery Girl's office. She placed her hand on the glass frame of the doorway, waltzing into the mini greenhouse until she stopped in the centre.

When she'd walked in, the wisteria buds cascading like vines from the ceiling simultaneously bloomed, her same-coloured eyes brightening. She ran her fingers along the bloomed flowers, the branches had reached out as if wanting her to touch them and her chest tightened.

She instantly recognised this place the moment the wisterias bloomed; it was the background of the photo that sat on her bedside table.

"So you are Akihito Fujimura's daughter."

Yui whirled around, tearing her eyes away from the wisterias to see Recovery Girl's old stature hunched over a needle shaped walking stick at the entrance. She'd lifted her purple tinted glasses to get a better look at the blooming flowers.

"You knew my father?" She asked as Recovery Girl entered the greenhouse.

"I watched him make this garden with his bare hands for the three years he went here." Yui's eyes widened. "I thought he was a fool – why would a man with a flower-making quirk spend so much time sowing seeds? To this day, I still don't know."

"Flowers made by our quirk disappear when we die." Yui smiled softly. "He must've wanted to leave a mark – do you know why he made this garden?"

Recovery Girl clicked her tongue, poking one of the plump wisterias with her aged fingers.

"He said it was for someone, but he never specified who." Yui raised a brow as the old lady let out a small laugh. "He wouldn't admit it, but I believe it was for the girl he loved at the time."

Yui smiled. She wondered if that was her mother.

"He seemed like a hopeless romantic," she commented, "she must've been a special girl for him to make a garden like this."

"Akihito was the special one; for a man, he was delicate and sensitive." Recovery Girl shook her head, a goofy smile on her face. "Then came along you; the complete opposite of such a man. You were meek and unassuming at first, but you soon were a ray of sunlight with boundless energy and were always laughing at the simplest of things. You were just two when I met you, when Akihito took you here to visit me when you were sick. Yui, you were, and continue to be, a force to be reckoned with."

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