1.8 - your pain is my joy (aizawa's p.o.v.)

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Aizawa had heard how badly the conversation between Kamui Woods and Fujimura had gone.

He expected Fujimura to be completely lost and emotionally confused. It was such a difficult fate that shouldn't be expected to be accepted.

Besides, Fujimura was the type to be over-consumed by her emotions, so he couldn't imagine what she was going through. Not to mention that she didn't seem to have any close friends to depend on, besides Izuku Midoriya – who Aizawa assumed to be the catalyst that kicked off her Hanahaki Disease.

By all means, Aizawa could understand that she was going to be having a hard time.

So, the weekend before school started up again, he decided to make a visit to Fujimura Flowers. He'd walked in early Sunday morning, expecting to see Fujimura only to see her mother calling up to her from the bottom of the stairs, ushering her to get ready for work for the day.

He decided to wander the aisles of the florist while he awaited, but what he didn't anticipate was another one of his students to visit the quaint florist.

Not wanting to be seen, he ducked behind a particularly tall shelf, peeking his head around the corner as he watched his student walk straight to the counter.

Masami Fujimura's eyes lit up with recognition as she pointed to the student.

"Oh! Bakugou, you're here again. Long time no see." The spiky haired blond tensed, Aizawa raising a brow in interest. "I saw your fight against my daughter; congratulations on first place, you really deserved it."

Aizawa winced, expecting Bakugou to blow a fuse. He hated when anyone discussed the fight with him, especially placing him in a good light. It wasn't a 'proper' win since Fujimura had passed out.

But the morning seemed to be full of surprises as Bakugou nodded quietly before sitting at one of the stools.

"Where's Peta– Yui?" Bakugou questioned.

Masami sighed, looking over her shoulder towards the staircase.

"Yui! Come down here, now! You have a visitor!"

An incoherent response came from upstairs before she began descending, Aizawa watching as Fujimura appeared. She looked sickly pale despite the warm weather, the girl attempting to hide her face by wearing a hoodie over her head.

She took one look at Bakugou and wanted to go back to the comfort of her bedroom. Alas, her mother pulled her downstairs as she went upstairs to do some chores, leaving the teenagers seemingly alone.

Aizawa watched as Fujimura tiredly put on an apron, placing her hands on the counter before she glowered down at Bakugou.

"What do you want?" She demanded, "here to ruin my morning?"

He rolled his eyes, "it looks ruined enough – you look like shit."

Fujimura sent him a sickly sweet smile, "girls love to be told they look like shit – not like I could care any less since it's coming from you. But, I'm sure you're popular with the ladies." 

Aizawa had to admit, despite how annoying their bickering was, it was entertaining.

"Look, I'm just as ecstatic as you are about me being here." Bakugou pulled out money from his pocket, placing it on the counter. "My old hag is making me buy flowers."

Fujimura raised a brow. To be fair, why else would Bakugou be here? Although, buying flowers didn't seem to be in his nature.

"What kind?" She asked, leaning her chin on her palm as she stared up at him, clearly intrigued.

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