0.4 - someone worth fighting for

381 23 41

"Yui? My Flower?"

Masami stepped around the array of petunias littered in the hallway leading to Yui's bedroom. Strangely enough, they were all an array of different sizes and some were even steel.

She would have to be ignorant to not notice the nasty mood her daughter was in the moment she came home.

Masami, once dodging all the petunias left on the floor, knocked on Yui's bedroom door.

"Yui?" She called again before hearing a quiet 'come in' echo from behind the door.

Masami opened her daughter's bedroom door, staring curiously at Yui who seemed to be flower pressing an array of flowers she made with her quirk. Instead of ironing or letting heavy books flatten the flowers, she had created a flower out of steel and was hammering down on the flowers.

She seemed to be taking out all her pent up anger on these poor, harmless flowers.

Just when Masami thinks that her daughter is gentle and sensitive, she witnesses something strangely barbaric.

"Did everything go alright at school today?" Masami asked carefully, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, school was fine." Yui snapped, putting an essentially crushed sunflower on a pile of other flower pressed plants.

"Just fine?" She questioned.

Yui rolled her eyes, "what do you want me to say? 'It was just fabulous, mother dearest?'"

Her mother was about to comment on her hostile attitude until she saw a singular, yellow tansy sprout from her daughter's scalp.

"That's new," Masami commented, Yui looking up at her in confusion. "Your head, Yui?"

Yui plucked the flower on her scalp, ogling at the sunshine yellow flower.

"Oh." She commented, "I should probably calm down."

"'Oh' indeed." Masami agreed, coming to sit on Yui's bed. "Want to tell me what happened today?"

Yui ran her fingers through her hair, laying against her bed and looking up at her ceiling.

"I found out some prick has been bullying Izuku." Yui commented, letting out an exhale. "I kind of got annoyed and took it out on Izuku... I feel awful."

Masami pulled Yui's head into her lap, interlacing her fingers through Yui's curls, untangling her hair.

"Dear, I have to say, you're quite a brash girl for someone with a flower quirk." Yui grinned despite the obvious insult. "But you have a good heart. So, what is the reason you got mad at him?"

She rolled the stem of the tansy between her pointer finger and thumb.

"Izuku is someone who's really kind and nice to be around, so knowing someone has been bullying him for nearly his whole life made me really angry. I can't believe someone like that scumbag can get into Izuku's head." Yui ranted momentarily. "He shouldn't let one person make him so afraid. Like, Izuku didn't even stand up for me either. I just feel awful for him, he deserves a good friend."

Masami brushed all of Yui's hair out of her face, kissing her forehead gingerly.

"Then be that good friend." Yui's eyes widened as she looked at the loving expression of her mother. "Show him what a good friend is like and prove to him that he's been treated unfairly his whole life."

Yui smiled up at Masami, "what would I do without you, Mum?"

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