2.5 - possessiveness did not look good on him

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"Geez, Iida, did you have to punch him that hard?"

Yui, Izuku, Iida, Yayoyorozu, Todoroki and Kirishima sat in a bullet train that was heading to Kamino Ward, the six of them gathered in a quiet booth in the corner.

She sat next to Izuku, holding an icicle – that Todoroki had kindly made – to Izuku's face.

"I really am sorry, Midoriya." Iida said from the booth parallel to theirs, Yaoyorozu sitting beside him. "I know I apologised earlier, I still do feel bad."

Izuku smiled, grabbing Yui's hand to pull the icicle away from his face.

"I'm alright, Iida," he gently looked down at the girl next to him. "Yui, let's not make him feel any worse. It doesn't even hurt anymore... but thank you."

"... as long as you're okay, Izuku. I'm sorry too, Iida."

Iida and her exchanged smiles as Todoroki leaned over and took the icicle from Yui's hand to melt it away. In this, the candy-cane haired boy noticed how Izuku discreetly looked out the window, his face slightly blushed.

Todoroki was about to mention the sweet boy's red face until he saw Yui's hand slip into Izuku's as she spoke to Yaoyorozu. His heterochromatic eyes glanced between the two, silently trying to decipher what was going on.

"Oh, did you guys tell everyone that we're going tonight?" Izuku asked before Todoroki could speak, turning back to the group.

Todoroki let out a small sigh.

"Yeah, they tried even harder to stop us when we told them, though." He informed them, taking a bite of the takoyaki they'd picked up on the way.

Kirishima, who was eating onigiri, spoke up too. "After that, Uraraka said something pretty harsh too. She thinks that Bakugou will feel humiliated that he had to be saved by everyone."

Yui nodded, holding her hand out to Todoroki who passed her his food container of takoyaki.

"She's not wrong," Yui responded, her chopsticks playing with the takoyaki. "But this is a matter of life or death... we can't think about pride..."

She stared at her food, in deep thought as she realised she'd recited the exact same words Bakugou had towards her during the test of courage. She finally realised what his words meant.

He was just trying to help her, yet she'd seen his words as insulting.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a gentle squeeze, Yui looking over to Izuku who slightly frowned at her.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her as everyone else began talking.

She squeezed his hand back before leaning her head on his shoulder, peering out the window at the dark city that they passed by.

"I... I hope the villains aren't too hurt when we get there" She whispered back, Izuku blinking at her blankly.

"W...What?" He stammered, Yui looking up at him as she rested her chin on his shoulder.

A devious smile brightened her cute features, "Bakugou's going to give them hell – I expect nothing less."

Izuku burst out laughing, pushing her head to rest on his shoulder again as she erupted into her own bouts of laughter.

He couldn't help but smile to himself, his hand covering the lower parts of his face as they both gazed out the train window.

Yui was slowly but surely beginning to understand why Izuku had a soft spot for the rampant, wild blonde.

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