3.0 - but you're right

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The said girl turned around, immediately winded when she was tackled by her brunette friend. She let go of her luggage handle, wrapping her arms around her friend's waist as the girl cried in her neck.

They were in the entrance way of the new U.A. dormitory and Yui had just started moving in a week into school starting.

"Ochaco? You scared me!" Yui squealed suddenly, feeling Uraraka's tears soaking her skin. "Why are you crying?!"

She sniffled, pulling away from Yui and resting her arms around her neck.

"I heard you went to Kamino to rescue Bakugou, and that you were in the hospital, and then Mr Aizawa said he wasn't sure if you were coming back to U.A, and..and—"

"Geez, Ocha, breathe!"

Yui jumped as she felt another pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind, Yui looking over her shoulder to see a crying Tsuyu.

"Fujimura!" Kirishima screamed, squishing Uraraka as he enveloped Yui in a tight hug.

"Oh God, give her some space!" Yaoyorozu spoke as she came over.

Kirishima let her go, wiping his own tears out of his eyes. The rest of her class mostly lingered around the common room, besides Izuku who was helping her move in and a few other classmates who were in their dorms. 

"Are you feeling better, Fujimura?" Todoroki walked to her, patting her shoulder.

She smiled, slightly hugging his side seeing that he was too awkward to initiate a hug. "I'm much better, Todo."

"Good – Uraraka and I have taken some notes for you." He added, "I handed them to Midoriya to give to you since he's your boy–"

Yui, not knowing how to stop him from leaking potentially dangerous information, elbowed him in the stomach, making the boy hunch over and cough. White tulip petals bursted from her curls and onto the floor. 

"I...I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, rubbing circles on his back as he writhed in pain. "I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Speaking of the devil, the double doors opened from behind her as Izuku entered the common room. He had boxes of sketchbooks in his arms and a few canvases under his arms.

"Yui, I think I got everything– What happened to Todoroki?" Midoriya ogled at the constipated-looking boy.

"I accidentally elbowed him," she lied, glancing at her classmates who were watching in amusement. "Izuku, let's finish off my room."

He nodded, adjusting his grip on her stuff before she followed after him. She waved at their classmates who were glad to see she was back safe and sound at U.A.

When they were out of sight, Yui sped up so she was walking in front of him.

"Izuku, did you tell Todoroki that we're dating?" She asked curiously, the boy's face bursting into flames.

"I accidentally told him... was I not supposed to?" Yui shook her head.

"Well, I don't mind." She glanced at the dorms they were walking past. "But, we have to be a bit mindful of Bakugou."

And Ochaco.

Their relationship came with a lot of complications.

First of all, she hadn't spoken to Bakugou since they'd rescued him. He hadn't visited her at the hospital, nor did he try to reach out to her. And, to be honest, she wasn't sure how to reach him since she didn't know where he lived, nor did she have his contact details.

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