1.7 - messengers of love

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Yui stood in a casual, long floral dress, a light cardigan over her shoulders as she waited in front of a massive park located out of town. Given that it was school hours, the park was completely empty besides a few elderly who used the exercise equipment.

She'd ended up contacting Kamui Woods and he arranged to meet her at a forest-like park – apparently it was one of his favourite locations. He's specifically detailed that it was not a professional setting, but a personal, proper first meeting between 'uncle' and 'niece', whatever that meant.

She kept blooming sunshine yellow flatweeds, plucking the petals anxiously before making a noise of frustration, making the weeds and their petals disappear. Aizawa's words had made her anxious, and was making her realise how stupid she was for ignoring her condition. She'd just been so caught up in everything to even think about herself.

"Yui Fujimura?"

She looked up, slightly taken aback to see a man wearing an oversized hat, warm coloured leaves for hair peeking out from it. He wore a sweater and long pants despite the warm weather, attempting to hide his wooden skin and his face from her.

"Kamui Woods?" She questioned too, grinning at him.

"Ah geez, you look just like Aki." He exhaled, placing a hand on her head to mess her hair up.

Yui laughed lightly, "I get that a lot."

Kamui Wood smiled, motioning with his head into the park.

"Let's take a stroll, shall we?" He held an arm out to her, Yui couldn't help but laugh again as she link arms with him.

They entered the park, the massive landscape having a lot of towering trees that it felt like they weren't even in a city. No wonder why Kamui Woods liked this spot a lot.

"So... Kamui Woods–"

" – call me Shinji please."

She shook her head. He must've been very close to her father.

"Shinji... Uncle Shinji, how did you meet my dad?" She asked curiously, looking at him expectantly. 

He looked down at her, about to answer her until his heart started feeling full just looking at the daughter of his late best friend. She had the same little curious sparkle in her eyes as Akihito had. 

"Fujimura Flowers had a special place in my heart growing up as it was the only florist that had every flower available to purchase. I have a love for nature, so I would come in at least once a week to see what flowers were being sold. Flowers are rare in the city, so it was nice." Yui couldn't help but think Kamui Woods was a bit of a precious soul. "Akihito noticed how I would keep coming in, he worked there are a kid, and we became friends. It was fitting, giving that I was made out of wood and he could make flowers."

"I didn't know you two were childhood friends," Yui commented, "no wonder why you were so keen to meet me."

He let out a small laugh.

"We were practically brothers, you'd consider me a relative if you grew up around me." His smile slightly faded as he stared ahead. "Akihito is so special to me because he was my only friend, a dependable one at that. I had a difficult upbringing and the Fujimura's took me in a lot while my family sorted their issues out. I'm only sad that I couldn't be there for him. He wanted to be a hero and change lives, but his quirk made him too sick at times. But, I like to think he changed my life at least, so he's considered a hero to me."

Yui's eyes watered, she too staring forward towards the seemingly unending row of trees before them.

"And Mr Aizawa? How did he know him?"

"Shota was an upperclassman who Akihito looked up to. He thought Shota was so cool – seeing him as an underground hero now, Akihito was ahead of the times. I remember in the early days, all Shota wanted was to be left alone, but Akihito and I were such annoying underclassmen that he eventually gave in." Kamui Woods letting out reminiscent laughter before sighing. "Shota was pretty close with us in the end. His quirk really helped us, especially with Akihito's lung disease." 

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