2.7 - is it selfish?

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Yui's eyes fluttered open, the girl holding her head as she groaned. When the sunlight shining directly on her face blinded her, she closed her eyes again; tempted to just go back to sleep.

However, as she slowly gained consciousness, she became aware of the uncomfortable weight in her lap.

Her eyes shot open as she suddenly sat up eyes wide as she tried processing where she was.

She instantly relaxed when she realised she was in a hospital, her heart slowing down as her breathing steadied. The first thing she noticed was Kamui Woods, the man in his navy hero suit without the mask on, laying on the armchair at the foot of her hospital bed.

He was fast asleep, head lolling to the side, and a blanket had been haphazardly laid over his lap.

Yui looked down, her body immediately going rigid at the sight of a mop of forest green hair that was positioned in the blanket bunched in her lap.

Hidden in the head of fluffy hair was Izuku's freckled face; the boy also asleep as his hand limply held hers.

"Izuku..." she whispered, raising her other hand and carefully brushing his hair out of his face.

At the feeling of her warm fingers, he flinched before he awoke abruptly.

Like she had, his eyes darted around in confusion before his pupils landed on her awakened state.


"Sh, sh, sh..." she gently hushed, her fingers brushing through his hair soothingly. "Don't wake up Kamui Woods."

"But Recovery Girl needs to–"

"Izuku, please, can we just stay like this for a little while longer?"

He furrowed his brows, checking her face as if trying to see if she was really alright. Seeing her tiny smile as she played with his soft curls, he wrapped his arms around her waist before burying his face in her stomach – trying to muffle the anxiety that coursed through his veins.

"I'm so glad you're awake," his voice vibrated against her skin.

Yui's face burned at the feeling of Izuku's warmth enveloping her.

"Why were you lying like that? Isn't your back swore?" She whispered.

Izuku chuckled, his giggles slightly muffled.

"My neck is killing me," he said in a light-hearted tone.

She snorted, "you goof, get off me so I can move over."

He reluctantly let go, Yui shuffling over on the small bed before patting the spot next to her. Izuku laid under the sheets right next to her, bringing the blankets tightly around their bodies before letting her comfortably lay in his chest.

"Much better," he rested his chin on top of her head.

The two laid in silence, both quietly basking in each other's presences.

They were both trying to inwardly figure out what to even say. Was Izuku upset or mad at Bakugou? Was Yui mad at Izuku for leaving her? To be honest, Izuku wasn't even sure if Yui had even processed her own thoughts and emotions given that she just woke up.

He looked down at her relaxed features.

Wasn't she worried about her health? Wasn't she confused with what happened with Bakugou?

He froze as she slightly shifted so her face was properly snuggled into his chest. Her eyes gently closed as she inhaled.

If anything, why did she seem perfectly content with how they were now?

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