0.6 - your non-existent but very existent quirk

338 23 29

"Yui, are you sure you're okay?"

Izuku and Yui stretched outside the arena they were about to enter for the practical exams, Yui staring ahead as Izuku worriedly looked at her.

She seemed to be staring straight at the sun, briefly looking up before continuing to stare ahead.

Despite having mysteriously thrown up flowers and feeling an uncomfortable lump in her throat ever since, Yui believed she'd aced the written part of the exam. The practical part, however, only made her anxious.

Perhaps her mother was right: maybe Yui wasn't cut out to attend U.A. and her health was still too delicate. Maybe she'd worked herself too hard those upcoming months and her body was feeling the toll of it.

"Yui?" Izuku called, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She turned to Izuku, sending him a gentle smile.

"I'll be alright, Izuku." She responded, untying her lilac ribbon from her wrist and beginning to tie her hair. "I'm feeling a lot better after Uraraka let me have some pain relievers."

Yui had quickly become acquaintances with the fellow brunette. She was friendly and sweet, which seemed to outweigh Yui's tendency to be a bit meek when she first meets new people.

"Besides, don't worry about me." She smirked, holding her fist out to him. "I'm your competition right now. Give it your best shot, Izuku!"

He grinned back at her, fist pumping her as the starting horn rang out from the front gates.

He watched in awe as Yui grew a huge sunflower from underneath her feet, knocking a few other participants out of the way. Izuku gaped as the sunflower grew towards the sun, carrying Yui across the crowd and allowing her to be one of the first students in the arena.

Izuku softly laughed. No wonder why she was staring into the sun; she was forming a strategy this entire time.

Yui's sunflower gently helped her land on the concrete, the flower quirk user leaning down and plucking two massive petals before they turned into steel in her hand.

She smirked, running ahead as she saw a few robots in the distance.

This was going to be easy.

She easily sliced through the robots with her petals, using one petal to boost her jumps like a javelin and the other petal to thinly slice the robots' heads off. Izuku watched from afar, amazed with the way she fluidly used her quirk.

He'd never quite seen her use it in action in a battle environment, so he was momentarily stunned just watching her.

"Izuku!" She suddenly called out to him, running at him. "DUCK!"

Without hesitation, he lowered his head as she javelined her way over to him, creating steel, rose thorns with her free hand that she shot towards the robot behind him.

"Thanks Yui!" He shouted as Yui caught the robot's head and ditched it at another robot, earning her ninth point in the first five minutes.

"Stay on guard, Izuku!" She warned, sprinting off.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui breathed heavily as she landed on the concrete, a 3-pointer robot collapsing behind her as she disintegrated her sunflower petal. Yui sneezed, her eyes growing watery and itchy due to the pollen of her flowers. Unfortunately, those were the side effects of such a quirk.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, ignoring her body's signals to give up as she formed a yellow daffodil in the shape of a large shuriken, coating it in steel before she hurled it over to another 3-pointer making her way over.

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