1.4 - 'kind of' beautiful (bakugou's p.o.v.)

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Yui Fujimura irked Bakugou.

The moment he'd first met her, a small part of him thought she was kind of – emphasis on the 'kind of' – beautiful. She had pretty, hickory coils for hair that framed her fairy-like features in a messy but endearing way. Not to mention her lavender eyes that had shaped into crescents, a heartbreaking smile sent his way.

But then enter Deku – stupid, stupid Deku who was friends with the kind-of-beautiful girl he just met. It made her instantly unattractive.

Even when she easily retorted to his angry outbursts, insulted him just as awfully as he insulted her, and teased him relentlessly without even caring about the consequences; she was a no-good, very intolerable girl.

At least, that's what he likes to tell himself.

He had to keep reminding himself that she wasn't worth his time and energy. He wasn't sure why he let any annoying, stupid flower like her get into his head, he should be better than that.

Bakugou had one goal to achieve at the Sports Festival; to prove he was better than everyone else – as he made abundantly clear during his speech at the beginning of the festival.

Yet, he hated himself for how often his crimson eyes searched for her in a crowd of every possible first year student around him. Or how he felt impeded every time he saw Yui in his peripheral during the obstacle race, or when she sent him a smirk after she'd overtaken him, or when she made a huge, metallic flower shield to block one of his explosions during the cavalry battle, or how pure rage filled his mind when he saw her and Izuku high five after they barely scraped through into the final one-on-one battles.

Those were too many 'or's.

Perhaps Yui plagued his mind a bit more than he liked to admit.

However, that turned out to be the biggest understatement when he began to watch Yui's one-on-one battles from the stands.

He didn't really know much about Yui's quirk, neither her fighting style or whether she actually was a worthy opponent. All he could recall about her quirk was that her flowers weren't just flowers but were made of various forms of metal that she could control depending on her need. Not to mention how she'd singlehandedly taken down Deku and Round Face during their apprehension test, making him feel severely jealous that she'd ended up taking the spotlight despite the fact he'd put her on the sidelines of defence.

So he wasn't sure what he was expecting. But he wasn't expecting an absolutely barbaric fighting style out of the flower manipulator.

Bakugou thought that maybe thorns and sharp petals were the extent of her combat skills. But, oh, did she prove him wrong.

Yui wielded her flower petals like weapons; shurikens, shields, spears, swords, javelins and any other terrifying weapon she could conjure up in her sick mind of hers. Who the fuck associates flower stems with sharp daggers, for goodness sake?!

He hunched over his seat, elbows resting on his knees as he analysed her moves against the fellow plant manipulator. Whoever thought to put the flower girl against the vine girl was having a bit too much fun with making the bracket.

What he thought was a well matched pairing was actually not, given how all Yui had to do was slice through the vine girl's hair to capture her and push her out of bounds. Yui had been ruthless with her pursuits, easily manoeuvring her body through the barrage of vines and cutting through any that got in her mind.

Meanwhile, her battle with Four Eyes was an easy win. All she had to do was grow flowers inside his engines, clogging them up and obstructing his quirk from functioning. From then on, she'd trapped him to the wall with sharp petals, hence pinning him out of bounds.

Bakugou scoffed, abandoned his watching post to get ready for his fight with Tokoyami. He'd been bored watching all the battles. But with Yui in the top four now, he was intrigued to see how Icy-Hot and Deku's battle would end up going. Either would be an entertaining opponent not only for him, but for Yui too.

He strolled through the hallways, about to make his way to the main stage until he noticed pro-hero Kamui Woods crouching over on the floor before he picked up a handful of wisteria petals that were scattered across the ground.

Bakugou had assumed Yui had been there given that wisterias weren't in season. She probably reacted to something stupid again, giving the fragility and non-metallic like state of the petals.

However, looking at the petals in Kamui Woods' hand, he noticed that some of them were splattered with blood.

Bakugou raised a brow as the hero looked over at him, dropping the petals nonchalantly.

"Bakugou, right?" He grunted in response, coming over closer to the hero. "That girl with the flower quirk from the fight just then – what's her name?"

"Yui," he responded.

Kamui Woods furrowed his eyebrows, smudging out the blood in between his fingers.

"Her last name wouldn't happen to be Fujimura, would it?"

Bakugou shrugged walking around the hero.

"How would I know?" He retorted before leaving the pro-hero behind. 

Fucking hell, he couldn't catch a break from this stupid petal girl. 

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

a/n: yes, I decided to do the sports festival from Bakugou's P.O.V. 

You'll see why next chapter <3

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