4.2 - one of the hardest things I'll have to do

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"Bakugou, can I trust you with something?"

The blond boy had been visiting Yui every day at her dorm room where she was relocated. He'd mostly been informing her on what's been going on lately – which mainly consisted of his and his classmates' plans to bring Izuku home.

But that day, they had sat in silence as she drew a bouquet of baby pink tulips that Uraraka brought her earlier that day that resided on her desk.

"Trust me?" Bakugou chuckled, looking up at her from the spot on the floor where he sat. "Trust me with what?"

"A secret, a confession." She mysteriously responded, putting her sketchbook down on her bed before she sat on the floor beside him.

Bakugou didn't think he was a trustworthy friend in Yui's books, but he noticed she was kind of fond of him in spite of their rocky start. At some point, between their actually awful fights and petty arguments, they'd grown into decent friends – not like either of them would admit that they were friends.

He didn't quite have the same relationship he did with Yui with anyone else; they weren't best friends like him and Kirishima, neither similar to siblings like him and Jirou.

She was just... someone he genuinely cared about for no reason. But again, it wasn't something they would openly admit.

He turned his body to her, propping his elbow in her mattress as he leaned his head against his fist. "Fine, out with it."

Yui sat with her legs apart, her fingers picking at the lint on her pyjama pants.

"I'm getting the surgery."

Bakugou scoffed. "Fucking finally."

She laughed softly, staring ahead at her wall where papers filled with drawings and paintings were taped to it.

"Bakugou, that means I'll forget everything that has to do with Izuku and I'll lose my quirk, remember?" He moved his head off his fist, his lips parting in surprise. "I'll forget about a whole year and a half of my life; I forget about U.A., about our teacher, about our classmates... and I'll forget you."

He exhaled, Yui not missing the way his breath shook.

"We're going to bring Deku back though," he suddenly retorted, "can't you wait just a little longer?"

Yui knew Bakugou had really grown to like her now that he was actually taking her seriously. She had to hold back a laugh when she reminisced about the time she discussed Hanahaki with him. It was back when they were in the forest at camp together when he'd said 'Who the fuck cares about Deku anyways? Get the damn surgery.'

Of course he cared about Izuku now, but he also had something to lose now: her.

"Recovery Girl told me that in a month's time, I'll die." His breath hitched. "Even if I waited for you guys, what if you guys aren't successful? What if you were successful and Izuku would choose not to love me? It'll be too late to have my surgery, anytime closer to my death could make the operation risky."

Bakugou's jaw locked as he stared at her side profile. How was she so calm about all of this? Why was she so sure of herself?

"Risks never used to scare you when it comes to Deku," Bakugou growled, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look at him. "The old Yui would barge into that damn rat's office with our class and demand Endeavour to bring us to Deku. You would fight to the death for him. So, what changed?!"

Yui's eyes watered as she tried to hold eye contact with him.

"I forced All Might to take me to Izuku and I talked to him." Bakugou's anger grew exponentially.

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