2.1 - I'm here

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"What the fuck is that?"

She froze for a moment, staring at Bakugou who's vermillion eyes were like saucers. For once, she didn't see any anger directed towards her, but pure, unfathomable shock.

The injured boy carefully sat up, his legs hanging off the side of the bed as he ogled at her.

As if her brain had suddenly caught up with what was going on, she wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her kimono before she subtly sweeped the wisteria petals out of his sight.

But the damage was done: Bakugou had seen enough.

"A...A side-effect of my quirk." She stammered, slowly standing up.

As much as Bakugou acted like he didn't pay attention to her, he recalled how Yui only got hayfever symptoms as a side effect of her quirk. He'd taken her weaknesses into account when he prepared to fight her during the sports festival. Hence, he'd been surprised when she passed out, thinking he'd missed some sort of detail about her weaknesses.

He looked at the curled up figure of Yui who hunched over the toilet bowl, the beautifully patterned kimono sleeves hiding her dry lips as wisteria petals littered around her exposed legs.

It suddenly clicked in his mind as he recalled such a term for what was going on.

"Hanahaki." ​​She felt her heart drop. "It's Hanahaki, isn't it?"

How the fuck would Bakugou know such a concept?

Yui glanced at the door nearby and made a run for it.

Alas, Bakugou sprinted after her, beating her to the door before slamming it behind him, leaning his entire body to block her path.

"Fuck off! It's none of your business!" She shouted, grabbing his arm.

He hissed in pain; his arms were extra sensitive from their battle earlier. But, he stood his ground, visibly shaking as he glowered down at her.

If she hadn't been so weak from throwing up the contents of her stomach – and from being literally thrown around and body slammed by All Might – she probably could've gotten past the injured blonde.

It didn't help that both of them were terribly sick and injured, so the fight was a feeble one on both ends.

"Oi! Just tell me if it is!"

Her grip loosened on his wrist before she looked up at him, raising a brow.

"Why? Don't tell me you think I'm in love with you?" The smallest smirk resided on her face despite the all but humorous dilemmas she was having.

His face grew warm as he pushed her towards the wall. "Well, you were coughing them up in front of me!"

Yui scoffed, crossing her arms. "It doesn't matter when I cough them up, they wilt whenever they want. "

Bakugou smirked , "huh, so I was right. It is Hanahaki. I know damn well it's Deku, isn't it?"

Her hands dropped from his wrists, realising he'd tricked her into confessing.

Bakugou smugly stared down at her defeated expression.

"And what if you are right? You don't have to act so smug about it." Her voice cracked as she avoided his eyes.

Bakugou flinched as he saw tears falling from her face, the girl rushing to wipe her face with her bloodied sleeves.

He was momentarily stunned.

Sure, he had a track record of bullying people and being an overall asshole. But he'd never made a girl cry. It was such uncharted territory that he didn't dare to cross.

Not to mention that he always saw her as someone who would continuously, without fail, match his anger and rival the harsh words he spoke.

But here she was; falling apart in front of him.

All he could do was let her shove past him where she pulled open the door, leaving him in the office alone.

Closing his eyes, he massaged his temples.

He had a lot to think about. What a big day it's been for him.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui clenched her chest, practically wheezing as she struggled to breathe, to swallow, to do anything but kneel on the floor outside of a random classroom she'd collapsed in front of.

Her hand, that had been grasping the wall, slid down the smooth paint and onto the cold tiles. Her lips were parted as if it would help her breathe, but nothing could solve the massive lump in her throat that prohibited her from breathing.

She rummaged through her kimono, pulling out her phone before instinctively trying to find her mother's contact. However, despite the lack of air circulating to her brain, she remembered that her mother had no idea about her Hanahaki.

So, in a state of pure desperation, she dialled the contact that came to mind.

"Uncle Shinji –"

Yui paused as she felt her airways clear up instantly, her breathing quickly as if trying to consume as much air as possible.

A warm hand rested on her back, rubbing reassuring circles on her back before another hand gently took the phone from her hands.

"Shin,"  Yui recognised the voice of her homeroom teacher. "Yes, I erased her quirk. I don't know what her state will be like if I stop using my quirk, so you better get here and take her to the hospital. Just get them to check her lungs, I'll tell Recovery Girl to meet us there."

Aizawa hung up her phone after a moment before he sighed at the sight of Yui.

"I'm scared, Mr Aizawa."

He frowned, his eyes watering.

"I'm here, so don't be."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

a/n: ... so. That's the end of my updates for now! More updates later this week or next week!

So, I'm just gonna *sprints away into the abyss*.

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