1.3 - don't

330 22 31

Yui held a hand over Mineta's mouth before he could scream, the group of four mortified by the screeching nomu that was crushing their homeroom teacher.

Yui didn't know what was worse: the fact that Mineta couldn't be quiet or that she had to put her hand over his slimy mouth to silence him while he was potentially enjoying the feeling of her body against his.

All she knew was that she did not want Mineta to give them away, especially since their pro-hero homeroom teacher was struggling against the mysterious nomu. So, what made them think they could take it down if Eraserhead couldn't?

Yet, despite clearly having the upper hand, the villain with detached hands all over his face and body began to discuss leaving since All Might hadn't shown up as they thought.

"They want to retreat?" Mineta spoke through the gaps of her fingers, tears falling down his face. "Thank goodness!"

Asui turned to Mineta, face paling as she noticed he was a bit too comfortable in Yui's arms. The frog girl chose to push Mineta into the water, Yui sighing quietly in relief.

"Before we leave," the three still above the surface of the water felt their blood run cold as the villain turned in their direction. "Let's smash some of his pride as the symbol of peace."

Before they could react, the blue haired villain pounced over to them, his dry hand reaching out to touch Asui.

His hand cupped her face, but nothing more fortunately as Aizawa had activated his quirk just in time.

Yui, not wasting a moment while his quirk was being erased, created a vine and wrapped it around Asui's waist before pulling her abruptly under the water. Simultaneously, Izuku threw a punch at him, Yui being pushed into the water from the impact of his quirk.

Yui and Asui swam back to the surface, Yui wrapping her arms around Asui as they stayed afloat together. However, they shivered as they spotted the terrifying nomu who'd intercepted Izuku's punch, the monster taking no harm despite its power.

Yui took a moment to think through what was going on, noticing how frail the hand villain appeared and how he probably would've gotten defeated by Izuku's quirk if the nomu hadn't interfered.

She needed to think of a strategy, especially since their homeroom teacher was barely holding up. Not to mention how the villains moved extremely fast – they couldn't just rely on Aizawa.

Yui's eyes were suddenly drawn to Mineta who was still near the shore with Izuku. He gaped as the villain went to place his hand on his face, Izuku simultaneously about to get destroyed by the nomu.

Thinking fast, Yui made a metal flower shuriken and hurled it straight at the hand man, the nomu being forced to use the hand he was going to hurt Izuku with to block the shuriken.

Asui used her tongue to grab Izuku while Mineta dunked his head underwater and swam away.

Yui was about to start swimming too until a large explosion came from the entrance where All Might suddenly entered USJ.

To say Yui wasn't the tiniest bit relieved would be a lie.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui glanced over her shoulder where Aizawa laid in the sunflower bed she made, the petals wrapped securely around his body as her and Izuku all pulled him up the slope together. The other two kept an eye out on Aizawa to ensure he wasn't falling as Midoriya watched the battle between All Might and the nomu.

All of them had left the battle unscathed, besides Izuku's two broken fingers due to his quirk.

Yui knew Izuku was on the brink of sprinting down there and helping All Might – knowing his real state, All Might realistically didn't have a chance against the nomu and villains single handedly.

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