0.5 - your name?

333 24 74

tw!: cursing, vomiting.

Yui balanced on the balls of her feet, a bouquet of peonies in her arms as she waited in front of U.A. High. She was dressed in a white, cropped hoodie and black shorts, determination written on her face as she mentally hyped herself for the entrance exams.

She wanted to surprise Izuku before his exams. She knew how nervous he would be and she was hoping to ease some of his stress to calm him down.

From all the preparation Izuku and her had been doing together over the past few months, she knew they were ready for whatever the exams threw at them.

"Oi, what's a weakling like you doing here?"

Izuku's childhood friend stood before her in his middle school uniform, arms crossed as he sent her a disgusted look.

A sour taste invaded her mouth at the sight of him. But for Izuku's sake, she tried to keep it civil.

Tried being the keyword here.

"Oh, Kaachan, right?" She greeted despite his impoliteness.

He clenched his jaw, "what did you call me?"

"Your name?" She responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That's not my fucking name – damn Deku." He hissed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's Katsuki Bakugou."

She flushed red, looking away. Perhaps 'Kaachan' was the childhood name that Izuku had for Bakugou, like how Bakugou called him 'Deku'.

"Oh, sorry." She turned back to him. "I'm Yui Fujimura."

"I don't give a shit," he spat, shoving past her. "Get out of here, Extra. I'm sick of seeing your face everywhere."

Bakugou observed as a sunshine yellow pansy sprouted from Yui's head before she swiftly picked it, crushing it in her palm before letting the petals fly into the wind.

She raised a brow, completely ignoring her action as if it were perfectly normal. "I don't quite know what I did to make you upset, but you're kind of a douchebag."

Bakugou halted, creaking his head to look at her.

"What did you just say?" He threatened, Yui noticing how his hands clenched.

"Sorry, I mean – you are a douchebag."

"Shut the fuck up, you damn petal." He retorted.

She went to argue back until she gazed past Bakugou to see her childhood friend at the front of the school.

Her eyes widened as she spotted a short haired girl catch Izuku before he could fall.

He seemed to be flustered, the boy blushing profusely as she spoke jubilantly to him.

Oddly enough, instead of feeling giddy for her friend, Yui felt lightheaded as her throat closed up.

Bakugou stormed over to her, "Did you even hear me–"

Yui abruptly shoved the bouquet into Bakugou's arms, the boy's face dropping completely, stunned as he ogled at her retreating figure.

His lip twitched as he grasped the stems in his hand.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui locked the bathroom stall behind her, sliding down the door onto the floor in front of the toilet.

She coughed, her chest burning as her eyes watered.

Without warning, she gagged and a sour taste overwhelmed her taste buds before she retched into the toilet bowl.

However, instead of feeling liquid, she felt something soft slip past her lips.

Trembling, she looked into the bowl, gasping in the echoey bathroom as she saw the contents she had hurled.


Delicate, wisteria petals.

Before Yui could even question what was going on, she gripped the toilet as she heard the main bathroom door open, a kind voice ringing out.

"Fujimura? Are you in here?" Yui raised a brow, not recognising the voice. "I'm Uraraka, a friend of Midoriya's. We saw you run in here and he wanted me to check if you're okay."

Yui bet that was the girl he'd seen Izuku with just earlier.

"I'm okay," Yui cringed because of how strained her voice sounded. "I just got a little bit sick – must be the nerves. I'll be out in a moment."

"Okay, we'll meet you inside." She sweetly responded before the door closed again.

Yui nibbled on her lip, staring at the purple petals that floated in the toilet bowl.

What was even going on?

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui's Plethora of Flower Knowledge:

Peonies (pink): romantic love, bashfulness. 

pansy (yellow): declaration of war, anger and resistance.

wisteria: devotion that transcends death, longevity, love. 

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