0.3 - his name is izuku

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It was rare for Yui to finish classes earlier than Izuku's since she usually stayed back to study for the U.A. Entrance Exams. Not to mention that she had work at the florist straight afterwards.

However, her mother had excused Yui from work to pick up some groceries and run some errands instead. So, she took the opportunity to visit Izuku at his school and take him along with her to all her errands.

Yui tried to hold back the giddy grin that wanted to light up her features, the young teen putting all her pent up excitement into walking around her best friend's middle school.

When she'd gotten onto the third floor where all the third year classes were, she halted at the staircase in realisation. Perhaps she hadn't thought this through because she had no idea where she was.

She probably should've just waited outside the gates.

She peered up at the classroom numbers, seeing '3' in front of all the room numbers to indicate third year classes. But beyond that, she didn't really know anything about Izuku's timetable.

Luckily for her, she thought, a group of boys had left one of the nearby third year classrooms.

Without a thought, she strode over to them, tucking her hair behind her ears as if to soothe her slight anxiety.

"Excuse me," she called, the trio of boys turning to her. "I'm a bit lost, were you guys able to help me?"

The boy in the centre silently eyed her while one of his friends came to her side, hanging an arm over her shoulders. Yui uncomfortably glanced at him, shaking him off slightly.

"Sure!" The boy with his arm around her exclaimed, "what're you doing here?"

"I'm looking for my best friend, he's a third year student." She explained, "his name is Izuku."

The one of the other boys present noticeably cringed, pulling his touchy friend by the collar towards him.

"You mean that quirkless kid?" He sneered, now observing her frail figure. "Don't tell me you're quirkless too."

Yui tilted her head in confusion.

"Quirkless? Izuku isn't quirkless." The blond boy, who'd been quiet this entire time, raised a brow. "Maybe you're thinking of the wrong person."

"Curly green hair? Freckles?" Yui nodded at the blond boy's description. "That's Deku alright."

"Deku?" Yui questioned, eyeing the spiky haired boy now. "His name is Izuku."

The blond's friends burst out into ridiculing laughter.

"Are you sure you're friends with him?" One of the other boys teased her. "Looks like Deku has a little admirer."

Dainty, baby pink soapworts decorated coils of her hair, the boys pointing and jeering at the delicate flowers.

"Of course Deku is friends with some weak kid, weak kids stay together." Yui furrowed her eyebrows, watching as the blond's two friends snickered at his remark.

Before she could even speak again, she spotted the very boy she was looking for. He'd walked out of the same classroom the three boys had initially come out of.


The said boy felt his mood instantly lift as he spotted the brunette standing in the hallway. Her hair was half tied out of her face with her favourite ribbon, a brown satchel over her shoulder.

She wore her long-sleeved, uniform blouse with a red bow under the collar, a navy blue skirt and knee high, white socks. Yui had come straight to school to his middle school.

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