1.6 - make him consider you

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The said girl peered up from her sketchbook, cuddled up in a swinging chair in her father's garden. It was lunch time and she'd been cooped up in the greenhouse.

"Tsu, Ochaco" She greeted softly, her voice a bit croaky.

They entered the garden, both girls sitting on either side of Yui who closed her sketchbook.

"How're you feeling?" Tsu asked as Ochaco quietly laid her head on Yui's shoulder.

They hadn't seen Yui for a couple of days. She'd been bedridden with a cold – apparently due to Todoroki's quirk – and colds usually didn't bode well with the unlucky Fujimuras. So, she had a few breathing problems and was advised to take it easy.

"I'm at school, so better." Yui spoke gently, smiling at the two girls. "Have you guys decided who to go with for your internships?"

Yui listened as Uraraka explained how she was interning with Gunhead and Asui with Selkie and Sirius. This led to the girls feeling bad for Yui; she had been advised to skip internships due to her condition.

"What are you going to do while we're at our internships?" Asui asked, holding Yui's hand.

Yui hummed, the swinging chair swaying slightly as Uraraka pushed off the floor with her feet. She couldn't help but eye the usually bubbly girl, noticing the dark circles around her eyes and the small pout of her lips.

"Recovery Girl told me to take the days off to recover, but Mr Aizawa told me he wanted to talk to me about it after class." Yui explained, letting go of Asui's hand. "Speaking of Recovery Girl, Tsu, were you please able to deliver something to her for me?"

Asui nodded, watching as Yui carefully stood up and grabbed a container of dried flowers from her school bag. Asui took it from her, looking at the container inquisitively.

"She's been wanting to experiment with medicinal teas, so I dried some flowers for her." Yui explained.

"Oh, that's pretty cool." Uraraka commented softly as Yui came back to sit beside her.

"I'll take them to her now, I'll catch up with you guys later!" Asui said, making her way out of the greenhouse.

Uraraka watched her leave, smiling slightly as she appreciated Asui's sweet gesture. She turned to Yui to talk to her, only to see her already looking at her.

"W...What's wrong?" Uraraka asked nervously. "Are you okay?"

Unbeknownst to her, Yui had purposefully asked Asui to leave so she could talk to her.

"I'm okay, I'm more concerned about you." Uraraka was taken aback as Yui linked arms with her, the two girls cuddled up on the chair. "You look like you've been crying."

Uraraka furrowed her eyebrows, looking down at her fidgeting fingers.

In all honesty, she'd been hung up on Izuku's words back when she visited him after his fight with Todoroki.

She hasn't meant to pry into Izuku's love life, but she'd been unbearably curious. Since Yui and Izuku had begun getting along again, she'd noticed how much Izuku really cared for Yui.

He always worried when she would randomly disappear after overusing her quirk, he was nervous but touchy around her, and not to mention how he always talked about her especially when she wasn't around.

And in all honesty, Uraraka liked Izuku. And the more her love grew for him, the more his fondness towards Yui made her slightly jealous.

"Ocha?" Yui worriedly nudged her. "You... don't need to talk about it if you're not comfortable. I just... I just hope you're okay."

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