3.9 - your blood on my hands

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Yui's head was pounding as she awoke, the girl's lashes flittering against her patched up cheeks where burns resided underneath the heavy bandaids.

Her mouth was beyond dry, her body heavy like lead as she rolled over.

She blinked slowly, amethyst eyes focusing on Masami Fujimura who was reading a newspaper at her bedside, the woman completely engorged in what she was reading to even notice her daughter had awakened.

"M...Mum?" Masami's hands clenched around the paper before she lowered it, her lips trembling as water filled her eyes. "Where am I?"

Masami threw her arm around Yui, the girl groaning in pain as her usually unaffectionate mother began pressing kisses all over her patched up face.

"Shinji, get in here!" Masami called out loudly as she stroked Yui's bedhead down. "Oh goodness, you're awake, you're awake."

Yui hazily looked around the curtained room as Kamui Woods burst through, the man mostly uninjured as he tackled her into a hug.

"Kid, you're alive." He sighed, his tears soaking her hospital gown. "I'm so sorry, I should've just rejected All Might's request and let you stay on my team. I'm so sorry I sent you over there."

"Uncle...Shinji..." she stammered, shaking as she wrapped her arms around him. "I was so scared."

"I know, I'm so sorry kid." He apologised for the third time. "I'm so glad you're alright."

He pulled away, giving her space to breathe. Masami rushed to her with a tray of water and food, placing it on the bedside table. Kamui Woods ran off, dialling someone on his phone as he rushed out the curtains.

"How're you feeling? You've been asleep for weeks." Masami asked, sitting on the edge of the bed as she tucked her unruly curls out of her daughter's face.

"Weeks?" Yui gaped.

"You were pretty injured. A few witnesses told us that when you got hit with Shigaraki's quirk you were put into a short coma. Not to mention the ribs on your right side were decimated, so it'll take some time for that to heal."

Yui peered down at her body, trying to recall how she got such an injury.

"Izuku!" She gasped, sitting up from her bed.

She groaned, clutching her side which only caused Masami to stand up, her hands hovering around Yui worriedly.

"Yui, calm down–!"

"Where's Izuku?!" She exclaimed, holding her mother's arm as she attempted to stand up. "Is he alive? Did I save him?!"

Before Masami could figure out what to do, the curtain was forced open.

Yui froze as Bakugou burst into her room, Todoroki and Uraraka behind him while Kamui Woods held open the curtain for them. 

"You guys are okay," the three students felt chills run down their spines as tears fell from Yui's eyes. "I'm... I'm so happy to see you all."

Uraraka burst into tears, Todoroki sighing softly as he led her over to Yui's bed. The two girls sobbed, clutching each other for dear life.

"You were so stupid to go with Todoroki!" Uraraka whined.

"I...I know! I'm sorry, Ocha." Yui sobbed back as Uraraka kissed her forehead before clutching her head in her arms.

"I'm glad to see you're okay... thanks for having my back, Fujimura." Todoroki added in a quiet voice due to the damage to his throat.

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