3.6 - i'm all in

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Yui stood with Kaminari, Sero, Mineta and Kamui Woods in her updated hero outfit. She'd kept the same wisteria pattern she had for the kimono but instead it was a haori jacket. Underneath the jacket was a black, skin tight bodysuit with a lilac skirt, petal armour covering her legs that matched her boots. A belt was around her waist under the jacket, holding a variety of vials of medicine.

They were approaching the meet up zone, all geared up for deployment to assist the pro-heroes against the Paranormal Liberation Front.

"Chargebolt, Cellophane and Grape Juice will be on Team Edgeshot." Kamui Woods explained, "Chargebolt, you'll be on the frontlines with Mt Lady and myself while Cellophane and Grape Juice will be on the backup team with your classmates."

Kaminari immediately freaked out, Sero congratulating him for being put on the frontlines while Yui tilted her head.

"Am I not with the Lurkers?" Yui asked, Kamui Woods shaking his head.

"We were going to put you with Chargebolt since you have a powerful long distance quirk," Kamui Woods complimented. "But, we wanted to put you on the Evacuation Team with Burnin."

Mineta cried, "what?! Can't Iris and I switch? The evacuation team seems so much more peaceful."

Kamui Woods shook his head.

"No, she can travel pretty fast with her quirk, we need her there." He retorted. "Besides, Iris has a good history in rescue missions and a positive reputation among civilians."

Yui nodded, following Kamui Woods who were taking them to the meet up location.

In reality, Kamui Woods had been especially requested by All Might to put Yui with Izuku and Bakugou. Although All Might had initially requested her since she was a great mediator when it came to Izuku and Bakugou, Kamui Woods agreed to it knowing Yui was beyond competent to be in the evacuation team.

"Kamui Woods," he was gently shaken out of his thoughts by Yui who looked up at him expectantly. "This is pretty dangerous, hey?"

Kamui Woods looked past the brand new hero outfit and Yui's calm facade, catching a subtle glimpse of fear. He couldn't help but think about the time he'd hugged her after the attack during their training camp, or when she'd called him back when she had Hanahaki disease.

For a moment, she looked like a scared teenager.

"It is pretty dangerous," Kamui Woods whispered, keeping an eye out on the rest of his students who met up with Edgeshot up ahead. "And it's okay to be afraid. But don't forget that you'll be with your classmates who care about you a lot. They're your allies who'll save you if you ask for help, that's the benefit of being heroes. Just be careful, okay, kid?"

Yui nodded, standing on her tippy toes before wrapping her arms around Kamui Wood's neck.

"Thanks, Uncle Shinji." She whispered. "Stay safe too."

She pulled away from him, the older male ruffling her hair before Izuku and Todoroki met up with them, taking Yui away to the Evacuation Team.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Izuku stood on the crosswalk watching Yui play with a group of children, delicate, yellow petals dancing around the kids' bodies making them giggle. A few adults watched from the side, smiling softly at the innocent sight.

She'd been in charge of reassuring the civilians that everything was alright while the rest of the team evacuated them into vans and searched for any more civilians that could be hidden in the city.

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