0.7 - a version of you

380 25 47

Yui laid flat on her bedroom floor, petunias, blue hyacinths and burgundy dahlias scattered around her as she stared at her ceiling in deep thought.

It had been a week since the U.A. Entrance Exams and she'd wasted numerous amounts of tears on Izuku despite her reluctance to. She'd lost her best friend in one day, but she refused to let him back into her life until he got his story straight.

"Yui?! Someone's downstairs to see you!" Her mother's voice called from below in the florist.

Yui launched into a sitting position, a heavy feeling of dread weighing on her.

There was only one possible person that could be visiting her.

She was tempted to tell Masami to tell Izuku to politely 'fuck off', but Yui knew that she should face her problems head on; as her mother often told her.

She scrambled onto her feet, checking her reflection quickly before making her way downstairs. She peeked past the wall, trying to scope out the vibe of the store until her eyes widened.

Instead of seeing her green haired best friend, she saw his mentor waiting patiently at the counter.

"Mr Yagi here says that you helped him across the street the other week?" Yui raised a brow at her mother before glancing at All Might.

He eyed her carefully, Yui catching on.

"Yes, I...I did." She lied, making her way down the last step. "How're you feeling today, Sir?"

All Might smiled, "I feel much better. I just need some help again crossing the street to the supermarket."

Masami nodded, gently leading Yui around the counter. "Alright, pick up some groceries on the way home then, Yui."

Yui grabbed a few grocery bags, following after All Might who she opened the main door.

When they were a good distance away, All Might grabbed her wrist and pulled her in a different direction.

"Sorry, Young Fujimura, I had to lie since your mother didn't seem very keen about a random old man talking to her daughter." Yui let out a small laugh.

"I understand, it's okay." Yui reassured before she looked around in confusion. "Mr Yagi, where are we going?"

All Might pursed his lips, "I need to discuss something important with you, preferably in private."

Yui tried not to grow worried. All Might wasn't the serious type, the most she'd seen him serious was when he was training Izuku. Especially being serious towards her felt off.

"Sure, is everything okay?" She questioned, slowing her pace as he stopped in a secluded tunnel.

"I haven't been completely transparent with you," he admitted, standing with his back to her. "I've been waiting to learn more about you before I tell you the truth and you seem to be a positive influence on Young Midoriya. Can I trust you with a secret?"

Yui exhaled. She'd figured something was odd about the scrawny male. He seemed strangely familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. He was always a bit of a mystery to her.

"You can trust me." She asserted, walking further into the tunnel.

Instead of responding, he turned around and his figure began smoking. Her eyes widened as his body grew in muscle and height, her mind rapidly piecing everything together as she realised he was the Number One Hero: All Might.

"Oh... All Might." Yui spoke in surprise, "what... is going on...?"

He suddenly deflated, returning back to his previously lanky state. He coughed, blood spurting out of his mouth.

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