2.9 - mm, strawberry?

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Yui peered up from the kitchen stove when she heard the sounds of keys echo from outside her house's main door, the sixteen year-old smiling gently as the door opened to reveal her mother.

It was early in the morning and she'd just returned from her night shift, so Yui had awoken early to open up the florist while her mother rested for the morning.

"Good Morning, Mum." She greeted, turning off the stove before grabbing plates. "Do you want breakfast?"

Masami tiredly nodded, placing her purse on the kitchen island before hugging her daughter from behind.

"Yui, I told you to stop waking up so early to make me breakfast," she lightly reprimanded as she watched Yui neatly place rice on her plate. "The store doesn't open for another two hours."

Yui shook her head, shuffling over as Masami still clung to her waist.

"I slept a little bit early anyways, so I couldn't really help waking up at this time."

Yui tried not to blush at the memory of waking up at eight o'clock at night to the sound of Izuku's phone ringing; the two had fallen asleep by accident and had only awoken due to Inko's worried calls.

"Mm... alright, hun." The woman placed her chin on Yui's shoulder, also recalling the day before. "Yui, about that talk with your homeroom teacher that I had... do you really want to go to U.A. next semester?"

The girl sighed, swivelling around so she could place their plates on the kitchen island.

"I really do," Yui whispered almost guiltily. "I love it at U.A., it makes me feel really close to Dad and I... I really want to be a hero. Besides, Mr Aizawa has been taking care of me and I know you already have a lot on your plate."

Masami watched as Yui passed a pair of chopsticks to her before sitting on the stool across from her. She couldn't help but admire the way her daughter meticulously adjusted her curly hair out of her face, rubbing her hands together before picking up her chopsticks.

Even though Yui was the spitting image of her late husband, she had the refined mannerisms of Masami and – as she learned over the past year – the same feisty, assertive attitude at times. Masami really did have the worst weak spot for her daughter – and knowing Yui was a lot like her, she also knew she could trust her choices, even if she was young and inexperienced.

But sometimes Masami hated being a single parent. She just wanted to dedicate all her time evenly between Yui and her passion. But it had always been unbalanced; having to quit her passion for fifteen years of Yui's life to raise her, or now where she barely had time to connect with Yui to the point where she had no idea she even liked Izuku until she told her they were dating.

So, Masami had seriously considered letting Yui live at U.A. Sure, they would probably have to close down the florist during the week, but with Masami's new job, money wouldn't be an issue.

Not to mention that Masami, after talking to Aizawa, knew that Yui was safe in his hands.

"I was really against you going back given that your lung issues have come back," Yui's head lowered but her mother quickly took her face into her hands and made her gently look at her. "But, I know better than anyone how much you miss your dad... and how important doing what you love is. So, I only request one thing."

Yui tilted her head. "What?"

"May I please meet Izuku tonight?"

Masami held back a smile when she saw how red Yui's face turned.

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