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Yui turned around, shyly smiling at Ochaco Uraraka who caught up with her, both girls wearing the girl's U.A. uniform. She'd just walked through the gates when the round faced girl had spotted her.

"Hi Uraraka, I didn't doubt that you'd be here." Yui politely congratulated, bowing her head slightly as a greeting.

Uraraka's face glowed as she linked arms with Yui, the two falling into a comfortable pace despite their height difference.

"I would be surprised if you weren't accepted either! Your quirk is gorgeous, y'know?" Yui blushed, a singular daisy blooming from her head. "Oh?"

Yui and Uraraka slowed down as they saw Izuku standing in front of the school, seemingly waiting for someone as he shyly kicked the concrete with the tip of his red shoes.

Yui, ignoring his presence, stopped in the middle of the pathway before plucking the daisy from her head. Yui tucked it behind Uraraka's ear, the short haired girl blushing as Yui shot her a kind smile.

"I'll see you around..." Yui said, looking over her shoulder at Uraraka. "Let's be friends?"

Uraraka grinned, fidgeting with the petals of the dainty daisy.

"I would love that! Stay in touch, Fujimura."

Yui sent her one last smile before she turned around, face immediately dropping as she walked towards her unavoidable doom.

Ever since the Entrance Exam months ago, Yui had successfully avoided talking to Izuku after he'd lied to her. And to be quite honest, she didn't even know if Izuku was going to be accepted into U.A., it was a real gamble after such a performance.

It was now April and here she was, just finding out now that Izuku got into U.A.

As Izuku was beside the main entrance, Yui had no choice but to walk past him.

"Yui–" He sneezed as Yui made a large aster flower in his face as she passed, the bud being invested with pollen.

Yui rushed past him but he stubbornly followed after her, adjusting the straps of his yellow backpack as he stayed on her trail.

"Can we talk?" He asked, swerving through crowds of students to keep up with her fast pace.

"Izuku, I'm not talking to you."

"Well, you just did – you're halfway there, so we might as well talk–"

She ducked into a different corridor, Izuku having to increase his pace to keep up with her.

"Yui, please, let me explain myself." Izuku badgered on, "you told me we can talk if I sorted my sh–"

" – I decide that, not you." She retorted, "and honestly, I'm still quite pissed at you and would rather not slice your body to pieces."

He pouted as she increased her pace. Damn Yui for being taller than him.

"Yui! I'm serious, can you slow down?"

She halted, making him walk straight into her back.

Just when he thought she'd slowed down for him, his eyes widened as he saw the classroom door's label, '1A' written in white on a red board above their heads.

A small part of him was grateful that Yui and him were in the same class. But when a lovely, plump petunia bloomed from her head he felt a sinking feeling.

"Fuck!" She swore under her breath, but it was loud enough to catch the attention of the students in the classroom.

Izuku peered over her shoulder, face paling at the sight.

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