2.8 - that rose-coloured lens your father had

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Yui awkwardly stood with a tray of tea in her arms, glancing between Aizawa and Masami who seemed to be having some sort of stand off, minus the guns and the cowboy hats.

Looking back, she couldn't recall a moment where her mother and her homeroom teacher had met in this day and age. But, she assumed they were familiar with each other as they attended U.A. at the same time, her father had been well acquainted with Aizawa after all.



Yui shivered, practically feeling the coldness radiating from the two adults.

She nervously placed the tea set on the rickety, vintage table in the forefront of Fujimura Flowers, interrupting the icy atmosphere.

"Thank you, Yui." Masami gently said, keeping a steady eye on Aizawa.

"Yes, thank you, Fujimura." Aizawa added as Yui set up the tea cups and began pouring them tea. "Please join us."

Yui went to pull out a chair but Masami placed a firm hand on hers.

"Actually, how about you go upstairs?" Yui's eyes darted between the two adults. "This will be quick."

She gulped dryly, sending Aizawa a wary smile. she inched her way towards the wooden staircase before bolting upstairs.

There was no way Yui was brave enough to attempt to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Masami glowered up at Aizawa, her fingers delicately circling the circumference of the teacup where her black lipstick had stained the porcelain. Aizawa leaned back in his chair, staring back at her boredly. 

Secretly, he was petrified.

"So, in the last few months, I've found out that my daughter has been mysteriously admitted to the hospital – not once, but three times." Aizawa tried not to be surprised that she knew. "The lying, the hospital trips, the sneaking around – isn't this all sounding too familiar?"

Stupid was the last thing Masami Fujimura was.

Her defining feature was intelligence; she used to be a well known, revolutionary hero costume designer and support gadget creator, she had been top of her class for most exams back when they were still at U.A., and she was emotionally intelligent beyond compare – a level of emotional intelligence that could rival one of a psychologist.

Masami these days was getting back into her hero suit designer career now that her daughter was older. She seemed to be working at the florist by day, and on the night shift at some design company.

It was the afternoon and she was getting ready for her shift when Aizawa walked in.

"Masami, I'm here to discuss the dorm system–"

Masami scoffed, crossing her arms before leaning back in her chair.

"You think I'm going to let this slide like I did last time? I made the mistake at sixteen to let Aki chase you around, made a choice at twenty-six to let Aki be under your care while I travelled, I'm not going to let this slide at thirty-nine, especially if it's my daughter we're talking about here." Her sharp eyes glared at Aizawa. "Yui is sick with whatever Akihito had, isn't she?"

Aizawa knew that Yui wasn't sick anymore after Izuku had returned her feelings and they began dating. Although, using Akihito as a case study, that didn't mean the sickness would never return.

He had to stay on guard no matter what and hoped that at twenty-six, Izuku wouldn't be a replica of Masami who'd lost her partner to Hanahaki.

The dorm system, even though it was devised for another reason, was a good opportunity for Aizawa to keep an eye out on Yui. And although Aizawa felt a deep sadness for Masami, Yui didn't want to tell her mother what was going on and he had to respect that. Yui was sixteen, she was allowed to make such choices.

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