2.2 - they remind me of you

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Yui had asked Aizawa if she could come to the training camp despite having been on bed rest at the hospital for so long. His instincts had told him not to let her; she was unwell for goodness sake and pushing her quirk was the worst possible idea.

At the same time, Yui's life was shortening drastically. So, realistically, did he want her to just stay cooped up in a dull, monotonous hospital room until she possibly withered away?

Besides, training camp could be the time where she could bond with her classmates and possibly grow closer to Izuku.

So, the entire time, she'd been subjected to making a bunch of teas and medicines requested by Recovery Girl. She was left alone while everyone pushed their quirks, sitting on a downturned log making flowers. The whole time, Aizawa had kept a watchful eye on her.

Her asthma attacks – her and Aizawa knew it was very different to asthma but it was the only way to describe it – would only occur when she pushed her quirk too far or if she panicked. So, if Aizawa wasn't around, she could use her puffer to help regulate her breathing.

At this point, Aizawa wanted to pull her out of the hero course. But, he didn't have the heart to deny her the training camp experience.

During one of their breaks, Izuku had wandered over to Yui, one of his hero notebooks on hand where he was taking notes of his progress from training.

"Yui!" He greeted cutely, "how're your medicines going?"

She greeted him with a smile, moving some of the glass containers of flowers to the ground so he could sit beside her.

He tiredly plopped down on the log, curiously looking at the checklist in her lap.

"They're going okay, it's just taking a while since I have to take it easy." Yui responded, deciding to take a break too. "How's training been?"

Izuku observed her slightly puffed out state. He and their classmates had been informed on how she hadn't been well. When she'd gotten sick from a cold, apparently her pneumonia  acted up.

So, when she'd returned from her weeks off, Aizawa had warned them to keep a steady eye on her.

"It's been alright!" Izuku opened his book, showing her the page of progress he'd been working on. "This is how I'm going."

Yui took the notebook into her lap, impressed as usual by his detailed notes. He'd always been so observative and had a lot of thoughts running through his mind.

The wind blew at them softly, turning some of the pages over in his notebook. Yui's eyes suddenly widened as she saw a page written about some of her classmates' quirks.

"Izuku, I didn't know you wrote about our classmates' quirks." She said in awe, reading a page on Ojiro. "This is really cool..."

Izuku grinned, pointing at his little sketch of their classmate. "It's always useful to look back on when I have to battle or work together with our classmates."

She nodded, intrigued as she looked through his book.

"Do you have pages written about my quirk?" She asked, sending him an adorable grin.

His face flushed red, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Yes... of course I do..." he murmured, not being able to lie to such an innocent smile.

"Can I see it?" She cooed, shuffling over so he could turn the pages for her.

He let out a sigh, pouting begrudgingly as he flipped through a few pages before landing on hers.

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