1.5 - i don't have time

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One part of Bakugou wanted to raid the cafeteria for some snacks and an energy drink because, due to a very predictable turn of events, Yui and the dual-quirk user were battling.

It was a very anticipated match up given that flowers were very temperamental against the heat and the cold. But given that Yui's flowers could be metal, no one really knew what the outcome could possibly entail.

He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms to his chest.

Besides their contrasting quirks, they both had very different fighting styles. Yui was more of a close-combat fighter while Icy-Hot thrived on long-distance attacks. And, in his very objective opinion, Yui was much more skilled in combat and was a lot more balanced in all areas of combat in comparison to Icy-Hot.

Icy-Hot had a certain formula to his attacks – he started off with a blast of ice to catch his opponents off guard and relied on range attacks and distance to win. If he actually trained, nonetheless used, his fire quirk, he'd be a lot more talented. Sure, he had a precision to his ice quirk, but it was very limiting.

Hence, it wasn't a surprise to Bakugou that Yui managed to scrape through. Icy-Hot had gotten a few good hits in, especially freezing her hands made plant production slower for her, but she'd successfully closed the wide distance he made between them and defeated him in close-combat.

Bakugou smirked, sauntering his way down to the main arena – a bit too keen to have a chance to wipe the annoyingly pretty smile off her face after she'd defeated the hot and cold user.

But of course, Bakugou had the best luck with stumbling across things he probably didn't need to see or know. One of those things being Yui sprinting through the halls to Recovery Girl's pop-up office.

She was practically beaming, the girl about to run straight into Recovery Girl's office until she halted in front of the door. 

She leaned against the wall beside the door frame quickly, her hands clutching the wall as she eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

Bakugou, being a nosy rascal, rested his back against the wall as he watched the sight before him.

"It's times like these that I remember why Fujimura came first during the Entrance Exams," Round Face's voice echoed cheerfully from inside the office. "Who knew she could defeat Todoroki?"

"She's a lot more amazing than she realises," Deku's voice responded, Bakugou feeling his eye twitch when a cute smile appeared on Yui's face. "I doubt that she'll lose against Kaachan."

A coo came from Round Face, Bakugou could just imagine her nudging him with her elbow.

"You sure speak so highly of her. Do you like her, Deku?" Yui's face noticeably turned red.

Bakugou scoffed. 

Of course Yui liked stupid Deku.

He may not know much about love, but it was obvious that Yui had at least the tiniest crush on Deku. 

Yui, hearing Bakugou's scoff, whipped her head around to him, vermillion meeting lavender.

She narrowed her eyes at him, shaking her head rapidly and gesturing for him to leave. He tilted his head, pointing to the office door before opening his palm out, tempting her by sparking a bit of his quirk.

She gestured with her hands wildly, proceeding to make a 'zip it' motion with her fingers over her mouth and pointing to him.

Bakugou, wanting to give her away, was unfortunately interrupted by Deku's voice.

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