2.4 - you mean the world to me

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Yui stood next to the doorway of Izuku's hospital room, her eyes focused on the wall across from her.

Izuku had just awoken, her classmates invading his hospital room to discuss Bakugou's kidnapping. Meanwhile, she slipped out of the room to dial someone.

"Hi Ms Midoriya," Yui greeted politely into the phone, keeping her voice low.

"Fujimura, dear, are you okay? Is my son awake yet?" Her worried voice came from the other line.

Yui softly smiled, feeling her face grow warm.

"I'm okay – completely uninjured. I've been staying with Izuku to make sure he's okay." Yui reassured her, hearing the older woman sigh. "I just wanted to let you know that he's awake now."

Yui flinched as Inko began crying tears of joy on the other side of the line, nervously chuckling. Inko and Izuku were alike, that's for sure.

"Oh, thank you, Fujimura." She cried into the phone, sniffling slightly. "How is he feeling about Katsuki?"

Yui pursed her lips, looking at her shoes.

"I'm not sure... I haven't talked to him yet." She responded.

"Fujimura, he's a reckless kid nowadays, so please continue to keep an eye out on him for me." Inko said as Yui frowned. "He's a weak kid, so please, don't let him get hurt."

She gulped dryly. Weak was the last think Yui would describe Izuku. Hearing that from Inko didn't sit right. 

"I will, Ms Midoriya." She whispered before seeing the door open, Uraraka peeking her head over to her. "I'll tell him to call you when he's ready."

"Thank you, Dear."

Yui hung up, shoving her phone into her hoodie pocket before turning to Uraraka.

"What's up, Ocha?" Yui asked, holding the sliding door. "Is he feeling okay?"

Uraraka nodded, gently leading her into the room. "We told him about Bakugou... I think you should talk to him."

Yui's eyes widened. That soon?!

Her classmates made room for her to come inside, the girl taken aback to hear Iida yelling at Kirishima and Todoroki for even suggesting they rescue Bakugou themselves.

"We're in a hospital, don't shout." Yui intercepted, placing a hand on Kirishima's shoulder before he could yell back at Iida. "We can't just interfere with the heroes' plan and potentially get hurt – even more hurt in Izuku and Yaoyorozu's cases."

Kirishima, Izuku and Todoroki turned to her in surprise, the girl crossing her arms as she glanced at Iida.

"Yui," Izuku said, his eyes still watery from crying. "We were right there and we couldn't even save him."

"I know. I was there to helplessly watch Bakugou get taken away." Yui snapped, "but we can't interfere with the plan the pros have made and possibly make the entire situation even more complicated."

Izuku didn't like how her reasoning was sound. He needed to save Bakugou, to make sure he was going to be okay.

"Fujimura, he was stolen in front of our eyes. I know you dislike Bakugou, but doesn't one small part of you feel the urge to rescue him?" Kirishima demanded, Todoroki grabbing his arm.

"Don't try to convince her, we can do it without her–"

" – If you're going to do this, you need to do it covertly," everyone snapped their heads to her. "We're not facing any villains if we do this, nor do we force anyone who doesn't want to come to join us. We could get expelled, but it's worth the risk."

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