chapter 2.

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Behind the big drum,Barona took off his shirt then folded it before wrapping it around his leg and tied a knot.the sounds of police got close and clear,he looked at the thick bushed near him but he wasn't about to risk getting bit by a snake.

He took a stick that was there then started digging,he digged untill he was satisfied the took out a few hundreds from the bag before putting it inside the coverd.

"Let's keep on going guys ,they won't get far gape one of them is shot"one police man said.

"Ahh jamani there is nothing here,we should just go home and sleep.its clear that these guys planned this,they probably had a car.we are late."the other one said and the others nod their heads in agreement.

Jamani sighed then stopped as he heard sounds from the drum.he slowly walked over.his phone rang stopping him,he looked at his wife calling then answered still looking at the drum.

Khangelwa:i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl(crying)she made it baby.
Jamani:(excited)are you serious?I'm coming, what should i bring for you.
Khangelwa:they discharged me after checking us,they are in short of beds.i'm at my mother's house.
Jamani:why didn't you call me. I'm so excited I can't believe that finally our dream came true.let me fix something here then come and take you guys.
Khangelwa:please come tomorrow,my mom is excited for having her first grandchild and besides it's too late for you to drive.
Jamani:wow,i don't think i will make it through the night without getting in the car and driving over to your mother's house.
Khangelwa:(laughed)bye,I'm so tired.i want to sleep.
Jamani:Okay baby goodnight,wait did you make the certificates?.
Kgangelwa:(cleared her thoat)i...they said I should come back after three days.
Jamani:okay good night, i can't wait to see you guys tomorrow,kiss my princess for me.
Kgangelwa:okay,i love you.
Jamani:i love you more.

He hung up then punched the air excited,he was father,finally.he turned joining the guys.minutes later then went back to their cars and drove off.

Barona sighed in relief then placed a big rock on top of where he buried the money.he sat there untill morning then went home to take a bath.

The following morning,Onthatile dialed Barona's number but it seemed like his phone was off.her baby moved waking up,she picked her from the baby's bed before taking out her breast and fed her.
A nurse walked in holding a file and a pile of papers.

Nurse:morning mommy,how did we sleep.
Nurse:i need your information,your name,surname ,baby daddy's names if you are married and the child's name for her birth certificate.
Onthatile:I'm not married.
Nurse:okay then.i will use your information.have you decided on the name of the baby.
Onthatile:No,I'm still waiting for my baby daddy ,he will come today.
Nurse:okay but i need to submit the information for her certification before the end of today.
Onthatile:okay,when are you going to discharge me,i want to lay my baby to rest so i can I heal and move on.
Nurse:I'm sorry for your loss still waiting for the doctor to come and examine you.we offer counselling for people who are going through the situation you are in.if you need one please tell us and we will get you guys in contact.

The nurse walked out.bumping into Barona.she stepped aside so he can pass then walked away giving them space.Barona looked at Onthatile then their baby baby then walked over with a smile on him face.

Onthatile:hi.what happened to your leg.
Barona:ahh nothing much(lifted his baby)thank you...She is so tiny.
Barona:you don't look happy.
Onthatile:i lost the other baby.
Barona:other baby?.
Onthatile:i was carrying twins but didn't know,i lost the other one.

She said as tears rolled down her face.barona put the baby down then hugged her as he felt his heart break.

Onthatile:(crying)it's all my fault.
Barona:it's not your fault.

He hugged her again comforting her.she cried untill she had no tears left.only hiccups.she smiled sadly then looked at her daughter.

Onthatile:I'm naming her ,Tshegofatso.
Barona:i like it.

Khangelwa took pictures of her baby.her mom walked in holding a big bowl of soft porridge.she placed the tray on the side of the bed then took the baby from Khangelwa.

Khangelwa:thank you.
Mom:she doesn't look like both of you.
Khangelwa:(smiled)she is still young.
Mom:mhm mhm,she should've at least took something from you or her dad.
Mom:she has her own genes.
Khangelwa:i can't believe I'm a mom.

She said changing the topic.

Mom:you are blessed,i told you gods timing is the best.
Khangelwa:it is indeed.
Mom:finish up so you can bath her before her father gets here.

Sticks and tiger screamed excited looking at all the money that filled the whole single bed.

Sticks:we are rich.
Tiger:we have moola.

Sticks took a video of the money then posted it on whatsapp and immediately he received replys.

Sticks:(laughing)these bi*ches now want to meet up.
Tiger:go and eat some meat.
Sticks:let's go and buy a fresh one at the hostels.
Tiger:after you my boy.

They both laughed.

"Koko"jamani said as he stepped inside the room.khangelwa looked at him then smiled handing him their daughter.jamani smiled looking at him.

Jamani:hello little one,daddy here(to Khangelwa)hey.
Jamani:i bought some meat from KFC,i know you like it.
Khangelwa:(smiled)thank you.
Jamani:what are we naming her?.
Khangelwa:relebohile,i thank God every minute for blessing me with her.
Jamani:relobohile blessing Danki.i love it.
Khangelwa:we should get going, i hope you cleaned.
Jamani:don't worry,my mom will help you with the baby.

A week later.

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