chapter 30.

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Her:Are you good.
Tiger:I'm good.
Her:Nothing is troubling you?.
Tiger:I'm doing exactly fine,is there anything wrong?.
Her:(Cleared her throat and smiled)No leaving today, I thought I should take something to remember my daughter with.

The mother in law looked at him again.was he playing games with her.The reason for all this was his reaction.he turned then walked in his bedroom.she stepped out of the house taking her phone from her bra.looking around making sure that no one is coming.She dialed a number.

Her:Hello.When did you say that thing of yours will start working?.
Voice:It takes a day to start working.
Her:Well it is not working.this person is Okay and refreshed.
Voice:Give it time.
Her:I'm starting to regret why i gave you so much money.
Voice:I've never had negative feedbacks from my it's either you didn't use the muthi as I instructed you or your son in law is strongly protected by his ancestors.
Her:I followed all your instructions strictly.It means he is there anything more can do.seeing that the muthi you gave me is not working.
Voice:Come here today at night.We will see what to do when you get here.
Her:Thank you.

She said then hung up.Tiger needs to admit that he killed her daughter and can't happen that they get killed by a total stranger.How she wished her daughter listened to her when she warned her about Tiger.She would still be alive.

"We are done oldlady"one of the moving guys said.She turned and looked at the was full of furniture.she smiled Then nodded before getting in the house.she heard the shower running the tiptoe.d to jamani's bedroom.she went straight to the drawer where there was a jewellery box.she opened it then took out the box.inside the box was her daughter's collection of silver earings and his watch.Both their rings were there.she took the box then stepped out of the bedroom.she looked at His picture framed on the wall.maybe bringing his picture would be helpful.she took it then stepped out and got in the truck and the driver drove off.


Tshegofatso walked along outside the school premises pressing her phone.walking around was so breath taking and refreshing for her.kinda therapeutic walking around when it was close to getting dark.

A car passing by slowed down reversing.She stopped on her tracks then put her phone in her pockets as the window rolled down.Her heart skipped as she locked eyes with Nkosana.Koketso stepped out from the passenger side.

Koketso:Hey you.
Koketso:(to Nkazimulo)This is your girls twin.girl you didn't tell me your twin is dating my cousin.
Tshegofatso:I....I didn't know he is your cousin.(Cleared her throat)What are you doing here.
Koketso:I just applied for residence.they will call me when there is space available.
Tshegofatso:Oh that's nice.i thought you didn't want to stay here.
Koketso:Yeah,I guess it's a change of praying that there is no space(Whispered)So my parents can rent me a room off campus.
Koketso:Come on,let's grab some ice cream.
Tshegofatso:Uhh I..i have to writing on Monday.
Koketso:Come on.

She pulled her hand leading her to the car.Not that she had any choice.Nkazimulo fixed the rear view mirror looking at her.she looked exactly like her sister.he couldn't even differentiate them.or maybe if he sees them at the same time.Their eyes locked again.his heart skipping.if this is what it feels like to date a twin then he wouldn't have.Feeling the same way as her felt when he met Relebohile.He noticed how he was making her uncomfortable the focused on the road as she chatted with tshego."Sweet like Rele"he thought.


After about 30 minutes of moving around the shop.Tshegofatso and Koketso finally bought what they were looking for then they went out.

Koketso's phone rang while they were in a que to but ice creams.She looked at the caller id then picked with a smile on her face.

Him:Hey babe.whatsup?
Koketso:I'm good how are you?.
Him:I'm good.i miss you.
Koketso:(Smiled silly)aw I miss you too.

They continued chatting.minutes later she hung up then looked at Tshegofatso who looked at her with a smile on her face.

Tshegofatso:Someone is in love.
Koketso:(Smiled)eish This guy. Just know that I love him.
Tshegofatso:I'm happy for you.
Koketso:Look,I have to go and see him which means i won't be going with you guys.i will ask Nkazimulo to drop you off.
Koketso:Great then let's Go.

They walked out heading to the parking lot.Koketso opened the back door then put the plastics she was holding inside then Opened the front door.

Koketso:Please drop Tshego at the campus.i have to go somewhere.

Koketso opened the front door wide for Tshegofatso to get in.tshego looked at her then stepped in not wanting to seem weird.She pulled seat belt then buckled up.Koketso turned then walked away pressing her phone.Nkazimulo drove off.

Nkazimulo:You know i didn't Believe Rele when she told me she has a twin.
Nkazimulo:So strange how I can't see the difference between you guys.
Tshegofatso:You have to get used to us to see that.
Nkazimulo:Yeah but there must be this something that one ha...."

His phine rang disturbing him from his talking."Thank god"Tshego said in her heart.

Nkazimulo:Hey babe.
Nkazimulo:Hey what's wrong.
Relebohile:(sniffed)I just feel like my parents don't want to understand me.
Nkazimulo:Do you want to talk about it.
Relebohile:I feel so suffocated in this house.i just want to go out and have a breath of fresh air.
Nkazimulo:Should I come there.We won't stay for long.
Relebohile:No,I mean yes.
Nkazimulo:Okay then I will be there in a few.

He said then hung up.somehow that phone call was didn't feel like the ones they had before.or maybe he was next to her identical sister.which feels he is next to her.minutes later he dropped Tshegofatso at the campus then drove off


Tigers walked in the yard full of traditional healers and drums.While some were dancing and singing some were moving around the yard doing chores.a girl aged 18 walked over to him then bent down respectfully.

Her:Good day.can we help You.
Tiger:I'm looking for Gogo manzini.
Her:Okay ,please follow me

Tiger nod his head then followed the girl at the back of the house where there were two rondavels.she walked toward a certain one then turned looking at Tiger then raised her hand stopping him.She walked in then stepped out seconds later.

Her:Please take off your shoes.Then get in.

She said then walker back to everyone.Tiger took of his shoes then walked looked nothing like those traditional healer's rondavels.This one was clean and didn't have a lot of exaggeration stuff inside.he looked at the women that was dressed in red and white with beads as her hair band and around her wrists only.

Manzini:Sit down.I have been waiting for you.

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